Should Congress punish Rep. Joe Wilson for shouting "you lie!" at President Obama?


  • Al - 15 years ago

    He said it like it is. Obama is a politician, of course he lies. He lied to get elected and I fell for it to. Now I wait for something to happen he told the truth about. Let's hope he is a one term prsident and a lame duck at that.

  • Mike in Texas - 15 years ago

    There was one truthful statement made last night.

    Thank you Joe Wilson for having shown the intestinal fortitude to do as you did...

  • Lisa - 15 years ago

    Ok yall are three K, Raymon, & Mary are just stupid as hell. It was ok when yall dumb asses yelled and went on and on while Bush would try to speak but hey that was ok now wasn't it. But now that someone on the right side who has a brain speaks out it's such a big deal. What control freaks. Freedom of speech, freedom of speech, freedom of speech. Yeah that's right this republican will not sit down and will not me hushed. LOL how do you like that?

  • Joanne - 15 years ago

    I think the outburst by Joe Wilson was disgraceful. I have been a registered Republican until this last election when I switched parties. For eight long years, I and the rest of the world listened to the previous President speak when he could hardly put two sentences together and we did it with respect. If I lived in the State of South Carolina, I would surely want someone who has class, intelligence and is capable of respecting the highest office of the United States, to represent my state!

  • Indria Hollingsworth - 15 years ago

    Healthy debate is one thing, total and utter disrespect for the Office of the President of the United States is a totally different thing all together. Rep. Addison "Joe" Graves Wilson, Sr. should be censured. There are rules of decorum and Rep. Wilson violated them last night.

  • Mike in Texas - 15 years ago

    The truth hurts. I give Mr. Wilson a huge pat on the back for calling this clown down on his lies. More politicians need to do the same instead of worrying about it. The Democrats sure never worried about it back when Bush was in office.

  • Mary - 15 years ago

    Mr. Wilson shamed himself, the congress and this country. His outburst was unprofessional and disrespectful. Mr Wilson is a perfect example of why civil discourse and debate on the issues has become obsolete in this country. What a disgraceful display of ulgy behavior. If he cannot be civil perhaps he should go home and let someone who has the respect to serve the public and this country have his seat. Finally, his lack of respect for our President is reprehensible.

  • Raymon Lee - 15 years ago

    Joe Wilson not only needs to apologize to the President but to the state of South Carolina for humiliating the state. Joe Wilson did not exercise free speech he excercised poor judgement. When you dissagree with a Bill you argue in sessions, in committees, and sub-committees not during a Presidential speech. Show some class Joe Wilson and apologize to the people you represent and stop making yourself and the state look like and sound like fools.

  • K. - 15 years ago

    What concerns me as much as this crass act is how many people are rushing to defend this as "freedom of speech." The infraction was made by a congressman who knew the rules going into the game and broke them. In a joint session of congress, the elected officials don't have the right to "not listen if I don't like it," or "publicly correct what I disagree with," rather, they are expected to be active listeners and reserve their freedom of speech for the conclusion of the session.

  • Lisa - 15 years ago

    I agree with Joe Wilson. Hello people we do have a FREEDOM OF SPEECH. So nothing should be done to Joe Wilson. Everyone needs to us there brains and think back to when Bush was in office. The Left wing would always be yelling out while he was trying to talk. LOL I think it's pretty funny. How some peoples minds work. It's ok for the Left wing folks to speak out whenever they want and push whatever they want but oh no the right wing should say nothing and sit down and take whatever CRAP yall want to put on us. I for one am SICK of sitting down and saying nothing. Awesome job JOE WILSON you have my support.

  • American by birth, Southern by the Grace of God - 15 years ago

    Shocked, Shocked I am.

    While perhaps his timing was off - the better question is was he right?

    Sorry dems I still remember the disrespect that you showed to the prior President - you remember him the one who didn't make decisions based on polls.

  • Tom Sondergeld - 15 years ago

    I agree with speaking our mind, having a voice, freedom of speech, yadda, yadda. But, I also believe in the respect and decorum of the Office of the President of the United States. There are forums where Mr. Wilson and the other rabble can make their childish comments. He should have been man enough and mature enough to know where he was and the Office in front of which he was present. It never happened in 8 years of garbage from the last leader. It should not have happened here. Just goes to show what poor sports the other side of the aisle is. Censure Mr. Wilson.

  • john dowra - 15 years ago

    When the dems booed Pres. Bush at the state of the union address it was ok, a Republican speaks his mind and people want him punished? Our country is based on the English form of Gov. listen to Parliament sometime. Where is freedom of speech? I for one thank Rep Wilson for speaking out for me.

  • CAE - 15 years ago

    Rules of order serve a purpose. How can we expect decorum in class rooms, how can we conduct the business of the nation, when the rules of order are not followed? Sanctions are obviously called for in this situation.

  • up for free speech - 15 years ago

    With the overt effort to eliminate free speech being conducted by the current administration, it is no wonder Congressman Wilson was forced to apologize for telling the truth. Does South Carolina have a state income tax? I don't mind moving where good people speak the truth. The potus is a liar, has been a liar, will always be a liar. Keep up the good work Joe. It's too bad that Joe's website is down.

  • proud TEXAN - 15 years ago

    I really think he should be given the medal of honor for having a pair big enough to tell these" out of touch " people that he is lieing. you all will see soon enough. Just a fyi if this passes in any form as the owner of my company I have no choice but close down and retire .this will put 34 employees out of work .not by my choice but one more casualty of many more to come from the policies of osama obama

  • Kanti Shah - 15 years ago

    I am shocked at the uncivilized outburst by Joe.He should be punished for his stupid action by removing him from the house. Some people would like to talk some sense into him.

  • Laura Katter - 15 years ago

    SO the representative has not in line with Obama..... AND? Someone has to represent the percentage, however small it is that truly thinks a Health Care plan would provide illegal aliens with health care, even if that BELIEF isn't based in fact. Now, if we punished the representative for impolite discourse in front of the president, I think that would go to far. What really works better than any punishment on Rep. Wilson is the confident and direct response Obama said back, "that's not true". In any case, punishing Wilson with just further the bickering between the parties so lets focus on getting something more important, like a Health care for example.

  • Chris Turner - 15 years ago

    He is a rude little pig of man and should be dragged out into a public square and have his mouth washed out with soap. That kind of behaviour is totally unacceptable and brings shame once again onto the State of South Carolina...but frankly, they get what they deserve and he is a perfect representation of some of the lingering attitudes and mentality of that state...the southern gentleman is dead is has been replaced by a thin skinned loser, easily offended by change, and progress. Congratulations Joe, you worthless scum bucket. Even during all of Bush's atrocities, I don't ever recall him being heckled by any member of congress, and he did lie...boldy!

  • MLD - 15 years ago

    Joe Wilson behaved like a child and should therefore be punished. His constituants should be outraged and embarrassed that he chose to yell out his thoughts/opinion at the POTUS when he should have at least act like he understood decorum. This was not the place nor time for an elected official to act out in front of his friends. It shows that he has poor judgement and no respect for the Commander in Chief! He is suppose to set an example for the masses by fighting for his constituants beliefs, rights, and values in the proper setting.

    Congratulations Joe Wilson, you've received your two minutes of fame (you don't deserve 15 minutes). Now, please do what you were elected to do and stop embarrasing yourself and the state of South Carolina!

  • Bring Respect of our Leadership back in Order!!!!! - 15 years ago

    Joe Wilson should be asked to step down from his job. There can be differences of opinions but to disrespect the institution of the United States the way he did is not acceptable. Joe needs to resign and let someone else that has respect for our country represent South Carolina. Joe's hatred and lousiness is apparent to the entire world.

  • Mike Darby - 15 years ago

    Punished? He should get a medal. His job is to stand up for the voters that put him in office. Thats what he did. He is also an American Citizen. Giving him the right to say whatever he pleases. If no one was allowed to voice an opinion against the President... then we have a Dictator not a President.

  • ZerObama - 15 years ago

    What a big brass pair on Joe Wilson. I loved the look on the Kenyans face, what a pout. He almost cried.

  • Jeff - 15 years ago

    The Republicans are out of control. They can't even be civil in their disagreement over health care. Joe Wilson shamed his state and the Republican Party.

  • Jeanne Caparso - 15 years ago

    That's why I am glad I live in the United States---because we still have the right to free speech----at least for now----how else can we have anyone speak out about pure untruths that are being propagated, by yes the President. . . . or anyone else. America is great because we have free speech, there is no way Joe Wilson should be punished for exercising what our Constitution allows. WE as a country have gotten too far from the Founding Fathers principles and ideals upon which this great country was founded. And the farther we get the more we lose the essence of what made this country great!!!

  • Liz Noli-Roberts - 15 years ago

    This is not about "speaking your mind" - yes, of course we have the right to do that, that's not in question - the POINT is there is a time and place to speak your mind (especially if you choose to do it by shouting). This was a PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS. Not a basketball game, rock concert or even a town hall meeting! I can't imagine this happening to any other president.. even George W at his most unpopular... no one would have thought heckling the president in Congress was acceptable. Why is it acceptable now?

  • Randy Waddell - 15 years ago

    No one should be hushed from speaking thier mind. Joe Wilson had just heard enough of obomas lies and he let it out. He knows he is doing America wrong and that oboma IS LYING. Joe has said he was sorry, his emotions ran afoul. Let it go. But no, peloski and others will ride him into resigning. If Kennedy were alive and did the same thing, he would have gotten an ovation, as would that rangel creep. I appreciate the fact that SC has one person that is honest enough to speak his mind. Way to go Joe. Make that 2 people in SC. I say oboma is a liar!!!

  • Marilyn Wilson - 15 years ago

    Joe Wilson's behavior was an embarassment to the United States of America. I guess he thought he was in a town hall meeting - BUT
    he was in Congress with our Commander-in-Chief and regardless of the subject matter or his political affiliation that setting deserves respect.

    I sincerely hope he pays a price at election time!

  • esl - 15 years ago

    he shouldn't be punished because he had the guts to express his opinion. keep intimidating people so that they will be afraid to express their opinion and you will end up with a dictatorship or communism.

  • esl - 15 years ago

    he shouldn't be punished because he had the guts to express his opinion. keep intimidating people so that they will be afraid to express their opinion and you will end up with a dictatorship or communism.

  • T - 15 years ago

    Certain Rep.s are not allowed in this "bi-part." discussions. Obama will not listen to anyone else's ideas, (although he keeps insisting that he does, Oh wait, isn't that a LIE!) they cannot get an audience w/ this "transparent" farce. Joe Wilson is speaking for the people, who are being left out of decisions that should reflect what "We the people" want. GOOD FOR JOE!!
    P.S. Did you see the death look from Obama and Pelosi?

  • Fred - 15 years ago

    Though probably not the most proper thing to do...I support someone who is passionate enough to express his emotion and unless more Americans get emotional over decisions and comments being made, then we will sit back and be taken over becuase of apathy. Joe has my vote. In England bursting out of comments is the norm....of course we are far from the norm as a country.

  • understanding - 15 years ago

    Why, in this country where we supposedly value our "freedom of speech" should someone be silenced for speaking his mind? And for that matter, for speaking exactly what I was thinking too?

  • Kathy Steele - 15 years ago

    Joe Wilson committed an indefensible, shameful, disrespectful act toward the President of the United States in a public forum. If a child had spoken thusly to a teacher or principal in school, he would be expelled. If a military officer had done so when a general was speaking: I can't imagine what would have happened. Disagreement and strenuous debate are healthy, but this juvenile and disgusting behavior from a member of Congress is far beyond the pale. Punishment is necessary to raise the level of discourse and bring respect and decorum back to politics.

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