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Do you agree with Gov. Granholm’s proposal to raise taxes on cigarettes, live entertainment tickets and some services to help balance the state budget?

Total Votes: 599

  • Dave Hockman - 15 years ago

    I still say that woman is trying to run this state into the ground so it can have the borders closed and sell it to Canada for a waste dump. C'MON 2010, I never thought I would look as forward to an election as this. Now if all those idiots that voted her in multiple times can pull their heads out of their a**** long enough to catch a breath of fresh air maybe we can get somone in there that knows what they are doing and at least keep some of the promises they make.
    Oh no it is much better to spend the taxpayer money to fly all over the world to "try to recruit new companies for Mi." (That has turned out well) and if we run out of money we will just raise the taxes again, but at least she gets to tour the world before she gets out of office.....ON OUR DIME!

  • charles combs - 15 years ago

    Why more taxation when trickle up doesn't work in an economy shedding jobs of people supporting government employees? There are a lot of factory closings due to lack of demand, and their employees are out of work. Schools have also been closed, but even though demand/ enrollment has declined, teachers are just reassigned. Yes. It is time for a change.

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