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What did you think of Michael Jordan's speech?

Total Votes: 17,020

  • muyu - 15 years ago

    his speech is moving, sincere, and humorous. I think he just want to show his true feeling and some true stories to others, he just want to express his true love about this game and his career to everyone, that's why he cried, that's why he told those stories, you think he was showing off? or insulting someone? No, it's not, it's his true feeling, and he thinks it's interesting, and he loves those things, he loves his own career because of those special experience that we didn't know before, I like him even more than before.

  • kups - 15 years ago

    right rob!!! you got it.... that's how I see it also.

  • Rob - 15 years ago

    All this press about how negative Michael's speech was is ridiculous. His theme was how the fires that burned in him made him the spectacular player that he was. The people he talked about were the logs that made Michael's fire burn so bright. He wasn't dissing anyone he spoke about. He was just saying how those people made him stronger, and made him want to compete harder. That may be why there has never been anyone like him on the court in my 50+ years. Is that negative? I don't think so.

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