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Strategic planning 1: What is the most important challenge currently facing the university?

Total Votes: 28
1 Comment

  • Bram - 15 years ago

    We have gone through many rounds of strategic planning over the last 20 years. The most recent one was done by ex-VP Hamer. Did we implement the recommendations? Nope. Why are we wasting resources we do not have to come with a list of to do that we will never do? What UNBSJ needs is to get the wrong funding formula fixed. Identify potential sources of revenues using our assets for providing knowledge to the knowledge seekers. The fact that students, staff, faculty and administrators are jumping of the sinking ship should alarm our top administrators. They need to focus on our fundamental problems not the useless strategic planning that doesn't do any good to any university. Queen's went through strategic planning two years ago. Does anyone see any difference. Not me. My humble advice stop wasting every one's time and think about how we can survive under the current financial conditions as well as decreasing enrollments.

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