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Did you like the very first show of "Dr. Oz"?

Total Votes: 815

  • penny czaja - 15 years ago

    Thanks Dr. Oz. my husband and I love your show. We watch it together. He is now 3 years out from the da Vinci Prostatectomy. So male health is very important to him.Learning how are bodies function, real organs and the animated process how they work is great.

  • Shawna - 15 years ago

    He is an amazing man!! So caring! I love his new show!! It gets me excited about making serious changes in my life! You ROCK Dr.Oz!

  • patti nicholls - 15 years ago

    I love to learn about healthy matters also. However this man is a heart surgeon. These people are among the brightest and bravest in medicine. For a man of his abililities to be talking about orgasms and pollution is beneath his calling and frankly he'has become embarassing to watch. He has fallen into the trap that television has found itself these days and it's all crap. Wake up Oz and get back to your real job. You were probably a fine doctor but now you are an entertainer, and sorry not a very good one.

  • Marilyn - 15 years ago

    Actually Jane (above) has said exactly what I was going to say. I love to learn all about healthy living, our bodies etc but I too feel it is better to cover less topics in more depth. I wasn't left feeling satisfied as too many topics were introduced and covered superficially.
    I look forward to seeing more of Dr. Oz this season.

  • beryl carmichael - 15 years ago

    The show is fantastic. I really feel like I am learning so much. Dr. Oz has a special way of explaning that makes learning about the body so interesting. This is my favorite show of all time. Great work!

    Thank you.

  • Patti Nicholls - 15 years ago

    The show is dreadful. Dr. Oz looks so uncomfortable. It has an infomercial feel to it. I can't believe that an open-heart surgeon is reduced to talking about such mundane issues as household cleaners. Dr. Oz was really interesting when he first appeared on Oprah and when he spoke of heart matters. Then he got over-exposed and into everything and now looks silly to me. I hope he gets over himself and the money he is making and returns to his profession where he will actually do the most good.

  • Jane - 15 years ago

    I truly loved the show however I just thought there was a lot packed into the hour. I think if you packed less in the hour and concentrated more on one topic, so that questions from the audience could be answered regarding each peice of information. For example... telling more about the difference in fore play for man and women... to explain and tell how to us the g-spot effectively on both men and women to achieve an excellent orgasm for both members. and then take questions.

    Then move on to another items.. Actually if it was my preference, it would be nice that one show only have two pieces of information on it, with the help of the audience and questions, and devling deeper into what you are saying.

    It just was so much in one show that I could not get it all down or processed before you moved onto another subject.

    Yesterday I would have like to see you go into more reasons why there are hysterectomies.. and what one can do once she has had one. The natural ways to look after herself after surgery. For example.. I have had a hysterectomy and am 7 months post surgery and I have now very sensitive skin from the belly button to the scar line. The doctor called it Hyper something and is common. These are the types of things I believe can be all covered in on section.. and skipp the food police, and the exercise potion to another day.. using those two pieces of information as sections on a show. delving further into what the fast food does, what alternatives would be suggested, and the exercise portion would be great but it was so rushed into the last minutes... it would have been fantastic to do it with the whole audience for maybe ten minutes with a few more moves and then you tv audience would have love to get up and boggie with you.. but the time was gone before I could even thing about it.

    Just my opinion.


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