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Are you disappointed the Defenders are departing Norwich?

Total Votes: 940

  • dml - 15 years ago

    It is very disappointing that the area couldn't maintain the excitement that we had when Dodd Stadium opened 15 years ago with the Norwich Navigators. Several Navigators and Defenders have moved up to the majors including the most recent move by Madison Bumgarner playing his debut game with the San Francisco Giants. Its a shame that more Norwich residents didn't come to Dodd to support the team, get to know these players, coaches and trainers. Because some day in the near future those same people will be in the "Big Leagues" and those who saw them can say "I saw them in Norwich!" Those who didn't will have missed out on seeing some glimpses of greatness. When I hear that people don't support them because they aren't affiliated with local Majors, i.e. New York or Boston, I wonder why it matters. They are OUR LOCAL team. They should have been supported regardless of where their "parent" was.

  • jms - 15 years ago

    It is upsetting that the team is leaving. It is unfortunate that only at the end of their run here people came out support them. Where was everyone the last few years? Why hasn't the Norwich Bulletin stepped up to the plate and helped build excitement for this team. We should have had front page coverage when they won, when Madison Bumgarner left for the Majors, more articles on the Coaches, Trainers and Team Managers. So many had such accomplishments during their careers and arrived in Norwich for many different reasons. Where were those articles? Whey was it reported when they lost but never when they won? Unfortunately the excitement was suffocated and we got hung up on weather they were a New York or Boston affiliate. This is 1 of 30 AA teams in the country and we lost them, due to lack of support. Shame on Us Norwich!

  • aj - 15 years ago

    Such a shame that more people aren't disappointed that the current team known as the Connecticut Defenders is leaving the state and relocating to Richmond. I so wish everything could have been worked out to at least keep them here for one more season. It would have been special to watch the development and advancement of the stars-to-be we got to see all of this summer as they continue to work on the dream of making it to the majors.
    The team this year has been something almost magical, and while the last chapter has yet to be finalized, the fact that this year wildly exceeded expectations and was an unmitigated success cannot be denied. I am happy I spent many a summer day at Dodd watching this talented bunch of guys have the best season in the brief history of the franchise.
    I will miss the team as a unit, but moreso as individual personalities who brought the sparkle to the diamond. They are what the game is all about, and they are what helped me rediscover my love for the game of baseball.
    Connecticut's loss is Richmond's gain. I just hope they appreciate it as much as I'm going to miss it.

  • mruconn - 15 years ago

    As of the time of this comment there were 142 people who were NOT upset the defenders are leaving snorwich! And you wonder why norwich is a 5th rate city? If they were going to give the state an enema norwich is where they'd stick the hose

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