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What should the Rabbi drive?

Total Votes: 355

  • David - 15 years ago

    Feh. I wouldn't buy any of these cars. The Infinity and Acura are boring, the Pontiac doomed (and being an import with very low sales, parts will be an issue), the Jag... nice, but, you know. It'll be a garage queen. And our Rebbe is too young for the Caddy. It's still a brand for the Florida altekaker/snowbird in my mind. May I suggest a 2005/6/7 off-lease Volvo S60? Consumer Reports likes these, and no taint of Teuton!

  • Steve S. - 15 years ago

    No Rebbe of mine should have to pull off the side of the road because some electric do-dad failed him while he's headed to consecrate a marriage--No Jaguar.

    And this great Rabbi can't look too elitist in the STS when he makes his way to a shiva. And pulling up in a Pontiac does seem to give the image of 'mistake maker' --so no on American, despite the rabbi's Detroit roots. He is planting trees now in a new homeland.

    The Acura, however, has a quiet, regal look that can be respected both by donors as well as the youth to whom he provides jew-y adventures. This is a real macher kind of car everyone can appreciate. You might even be able to mount a shofar on the front, just to give it a special touch. L'shana tova, Rebbe!!

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