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  • jim-ellie hughes - 15 years ago

    Friends of ours visited your town and told us how friendly they had found it. With our curiosity we went on line and found your site, GMG. Every morning we open GMG and enjoy the sites and sounds of Gloucester. When you asked for feedback we said "if it's working, why fix it". You have so much diversity it stretched our imagination to come up with any thoughts for the site. We have looked at this site, as people who have never been to your lovely area, and have come up with the following views to read about before our visit. We have noticed that Gloucester is an island with 1(?) bridge to access the area. If there is a bridge tender what about interviewing him..or her. What about B&B's. Beach life guards, a local cop(from the outside of the jail,ha) , museums.......we think you see where we are going with this. Maybe the locals won't have the same thoughts. We live in a snowbird area and feel that some of your locals are our snowbirds (Marco Island and Isle of Capri), maybe an interview there with winter coming?
    Thank you for your hard work Joey.

  • Cynthia - 15 years ago

    Joey, thanks for a wonderful blog...you make me laugh every morning.

    Please continue showing Jill's wonderful cooking, as well as your Mom's, but could they part with a recipe any time soon?


  • Kim Smith - 15 years ago

    I have only been following Good Morning Gloucester for several months, but appreciate how GMG affects the entire community positively—showcasing the best of people and local industry. The stories, photos, and videos are always informative, often funny and charming, and always interesting. Today’s posting for example—I could only stay but a minute at the Seafood Throwdown at last week’s Farmer’s Market, so it is great to see the video footage, and will definitely give root vegetable pancakes a try.

    Why do you no longer unload shrimp in the winter? Now I want to toss some fresh native shrimp into my next batch of red sauce.

    Keep up the great work!

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