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  • Frank Whittemore - 15 years ago

    Human/machine 'cyborgs' will be common by the end of this century. 15%

    One could say that this is already true!

    Click here for details.

  • fromtheocean - 15 years ago

    Technology is fun to think about. I can't wait to hang out with my cyborg friends. Just think how nice it will be when we have a cyborg to check for our mistakes in data formats, etc. lending to us having more time to imagine and discover.

  • Singularitarian - 15 years ago

    Of course people are not going to believe in this kind of technology, it's the norm to think along a linear path just like 25 years ago people would have thought ridiculous and ludicrous to some technologies which are common place today.
    People believe in the here and now - but times will change and I for one cannot wait for the post scarcity super AGI etc technologies.

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