Have you lost all ability to realize what such shows do to our society? Your legacy will be the further degradation of America. When you normalize such garbage you help make garbage the norm. Just because it exists doesnt mean we should glamourize it, nor that you should rape the brain dead to make a buck. If you dont understand such realities then you need to search your soul...or what ever is left of it. Apparently you have no respect nor love of America's children.
Have you lost all ability to realize what such shows do to our society? Your legacy will be the further degradation of America. When you normalize such garbage you help make garbage the norm. Just because it exists doesnt mean we should glamourize it, nor that you should rape the brain dead to make a buck. If you dont understand such realities then you need to search your soul...or what ever is left of it. Apparently you have no respect nor love of America's children.