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Did Roman Polanski really deserve to win the Oscar for best director for "The Pianist"?

Total Votes: 3,988

  • Chris - 15 years ago

    You can blame Harvey Weinstein for Polanski winning the Oscar. If Weinstein hadn't been hell bent on getting Scorsese the Oscar for a piece of crap like Gangs and instead threw his support to the Director of the movie that was obviously going to win Best Picture then we wouldn't be talking about this.

  • RandMax - 15 years ago

    Dear Millie and Balata:

    I admire your stance for justice. But can't help wonder if only in this physical world where we live in had people like you standing up for everything that is equally wrong and raise their voices against it, this world would have been a perfect paradise (but I know that's mere idealism). I assume and would appreciate if you held similar views on other matters that are even detrimental to society. If you do, my salutations to you. I wish you well too.

    Good Day.

  • Balata - 15 years ago

    Very well written Millie... I too Ditto ....

  • Millie - 15 years ago

    I am not interested in going tit for tat with you, RandMax, regarding the theoretical & philosophical scenarios you present.

    The only thing I'll respond to is why should his age now matter? It didn't matter to him when she was only 13. 76 year old men can lead productive lives....he certainly can with his resources...and he still has enough life in him to finally face off with the US judicial system. I say extradite him & let's see how it plays out here. Who knows, maybe, he'll still get off for time already served?

    I'm also equally glad that we, in our society, do not let victims single-handedly decide the fate of their perpetrator...that would be of no use in either direction. Of course, victims can forgive & even provide statements in defense of their perpetrator, which may or may not help in sentencing, but it is up to judges & juries to decide. I stand by my statement that he is a cowardly molester...that's just a fact that has nothing to do with my own morality.

    I wish you well RandMax....

  • RandMax - 15 years ago

    To Ms. Millie:
    You are only confused with your own preset, unrelenting views in your mind, What did I say? Did you read that in the first place. I did not deem this to be either less or more serious. Raping a child is unequivocally wrong, there is no question about it, and no one is denying that. You are the one who misconstrued me, saying things like I deemed this less serious, and turned blind eye on. However, I'm sure if this happened to your father or your son or your husband I'm sure you may as well find yourself at least for one second swerving away from the very moral side that you now defend, it is true for all people, everyone looks from their sides and judge things.





    And yes there's complexity in the issue, because of Ms. Geimer's stance for one thing.

  • Millie - 15 years ago

    To RandMax:

    You confuse me with your contradictions. You exaggerate every point. First, you argue like this is merely a moral dilemma that has so many profound complexities. It's NOT and it's simple....he committed a crime against the LAW of the land to which he admitted his guilt, & then he fled & has lived a full life free of retribution. Now he should pay.

    Second, I do not pretend to be anything other than I am....I just don't live in your grey world that lacks conviction.

    Lastly, as a mother, sister, daughter, wife, and human, the scariest and most heinous of crimes are those committed against children. You may, in your conscience, be able to turn a blind eye to this "less serious" crime, as you deem it, but I'm grateful that the majority wouldn't be able to.

  • RandMax - 15 years ago

    Cecil and Balata, It is not the case that I lack moral standards or general convictions. This particular issue not as simple as people are tempted to think, please do not jump into any conclusion. What Balata said is at any rate not wrong at all? Nor is anyone else who wants Polanski punished.

    Yes, I agree if this happened to my daughter, I can't even think of such a thing happening to my daughter. All I wanted to pointed out was that this issue is more complex that it appears to be.

    And also, anyone who is fighting for the so-called "Justice" I understand the broadness of their hearts, but just think once how many people are getting away with terrible crimes at scales much much more serious than this right before our eyes everyday, and all we do is turning a blind eye on them and squabble about such matters as this.

  • Balata - 15 years ago

    Cecil, You are right ... I apologize to Nick, John, RandMax and any other reader from this blog... It was childish and immature to write those things.. .I hope you can forgive me ... I apologize....

  • Cecil - 15 years ago

    Balata ... You are right in so many ways except to call people Gay or insult them... Try your best to have patience for people with odd thinking... I know it's hard but we can never teach each other if we insult to get attention or be heard... The people above do lack some general convictions. But lets teach them not insult them. Ciao

  • Balata - 15 years ago

    BTW RandMax... The case is only "unusual" because your man Polanski ran from his responsibility... How can you defend that???

  • Balata - 15 years ago

    John .....What the Heck are you talking... You are obviously a liberal to the extreme to think that your "research above" was going to proof a point... ??? HUH>>> John.... Think about one thing then comment back to this sentence ... A man drugged and then raped a 13 year old female... How does that sound to you??? Really think about that sentence... There is NO CONSTITUTION that allows a get out of jail for a pedophile... I feel confident that such outlook such as those listed above come from broken families which underlies the child's subconscience to have anger then rebel against society as being a liberal... When in fact you should be mad at DAD not our countries rules for not being loved or feel significant... Your writing is a sign of insecurity...

  • Balata - 15 years ago

    RandMax... That is why my heart brakes in two when people like yourself write comment that read "flippid" in context to a VERY SERIOUS MATTER... Just wait till someone young close to you gets hurts from another idiot such as this weezle... Then you will understand that what...... Millie wrote "There is no amount of genious that still honors a man who druggs and rapes a CHILD!!! I'm not "Inspector Gadget", the Los Angles District Attorney is!!! Have some sensitivity to the child before your own.. Isn't that what we as a nation is called to do??? Help a brother build his burnt down barn, morn the loss of your friends family and get justice for any wrong doing no mater family or otherwise... As a Nation we as "Americans" are family... Just go to the middle east one day... Meeting another American is a blessing... Take care of each other!!!!

  • John - 15 years ago

    The US constitution gives citizens certain rights. The right to a speedy trail, the right to be tried within a certain period of time - This is called Due Process.

    Many state Constitutions have their own specific guarantees of due process, in Virginia, this case could not be tried. This court simply waited to long.

    In 1934, the United States Supreme Court held that due process is violated "if a practice or rule offends some principle of justice so rooted in the traditions and conscience of our people as to be ranked as fundamental."

    "No state shall make or enforce any law which abridges the priveleges or immunities of citizens of the US; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty or property without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

    So what could Mr Polanski do in this case? If he comes to the USA, and is found guilty, he could not return to Poland, based on date of conviction and current laws on this crime.

    If it was me, I think I would start by contacting a Constitutional Attorney, in the state which he is being charged.

    Question the return to the USA based on his foreign citizenship. Many attorneys that specialize in Constitutional law also work with foreign citizens.

    Can the USA charge a citizen of another country with a crime that is not being charged in their own country ? Don't think so.

    What else could he do? His skills in the movies are some of the best. Perhaps an offer to assist the Center for Missing and Neglected Children may prove beneficial in this case.

    The problem with this case is rooted in the adult vs child situation. He was an adult, she was a child. This offends many people, and seems to be an injustice.

    No matter what good a person has done, doesn't seem to matter to most courts. They want the criminal hanged, or in this case castrated.

  • RandMax - 15 years ago

    Millie, I didn't say molestation happens to everyone's life, rather "an unfortunate event" it just happens by mere chance, unfortunate things. And don't pretend that you haven't done shameful, unacceptable things in your life ever, maybe not child molestation, but ignominious things you might not want anyone else to know about. It is same with everyone, we people invariably sometimes do make mistakes less serious to more, but crucifying one for this whole life is only ineffectual.

  • RandMax - 15 years ago

    Balata, "Momemtarily , financially killed...." I didn't parse that part and I doubt anybody would. But anyway, I don't have to have a child to understand the implied profundity of this matter. Yes he admitted what he did, no one's denying that, or anything that happened.
    What "liberals like us" are saying is that stop being an "Inspector Javert" of Les Miserables and rather concentrate on people. This is an unusual case with no similarity to the any other, such as a stupid creepy old man abusing an eight year old cases we read on news everyday.

  • Millie - 15 years ago

    Bottom line, he's a cowardly molester. No amount of "genius" should excuse, condone, or reward him. Even though his victim has moved on, and I'm glad she has, he still owes a societal debt that any decent mother/father would want paid.

    To RandMax, this DOES NOT happen in each man's life..."Each" man does not act on perverted impulses to drug & sexually harm a 13 year old child, only sick ones do....

  • Balata - 15 years ago

    RandMax.... Are you serious... I guess if I was the victim and after 30 years of therapy one can get to forgiveness... This CHILD went thru HELL as the child who momentarily financially killed Hollywood (A lot of actors, producers, directors and staff were out of a job) as well as being an outcast from her peers during the most pressure filled immature timeframe in her life... adolescence... .. I can see as an adult to forgive him is her choice and I think that is wonderful and mighty respectable ... But The left liberals like yourself try to separate morals and "talent" from within an individual... Please you and Nick need to have a child FIRST before posting a comment on this topic... The man admitted to GUILTY plea.. He is listed a PEDOPHILE.. Nice role model Hollywood... Hurrayy for Hollywood....

  • RandMax - 15 years ago

    Balata, Innbfhgn said what I wanted to say on this matter too. What do you care if Ms. Geimer wanted this case dropped? And by the way, stop bullying people for expressing their opinions you are Gay not Nick.

  • RandMax - 15 years ago

    I don't understand what's wrong with these people who posted comments saying polanski is pig, perverted evil, these people should know better, Ms. Geimer forgave him, it was one of those unfortunate moments that happens in each man's life, Every male has sexual attraction to every other female regardless of age ( I don't mean to say that is right or wrong, it is just a fact) but due to the existing taboos in the society in a given time people just tend to ignore them and pretend that "I'm perfect"; This man has gone through enough, give him a break, if any judicial system chooses to put him in jail, they are punishing him for same crime twice.

  • Nikki - 15 years ago

    This award is not respectful as it was before. I think Polanski may survive
    without that honore. He was awarded enough in Europe where group -
    Roman,Zbyszek,Andrzey - means something american movie never would approach...

  • lnnbfhgn - 15 years ago

    Even the victim in this case wants this dismissed. She doesn't, and shouldn't approve of, what happened to her a long time ago. But if she's fighting for him, who cares what everyone else, including the justice system and the usual assortment of online cranks, thinks? The right thing is to just drop this case, since he's done his time (exiled 30 years from his country is a bigger sentence he'd have gotten in court), and just move on. Certainly L.A. has more important things to do.

    And for the record, it's because the victim wants the case dropped that I feel this way. If she doesn't want this case to go on, why can't everyone honor her wishes?

  • Balata - 15 years ago

    Nick... From what I gather in your comment, you are either Gay, single, or molested when you were young. If and that is a BIG "IF" for Gay Nick... you had a daughter who was drugged then raped by a adult male... Would you be happy to see the guy get an award... You are very sad little man with little thinking... You need to change your thinking otherwise the "Karma Police" will capture you... Then it will be too late to cry ... "hey not fair.... booo hoooo"

    Take your head out of your $%# for a second and think of the 13 yes 13 year old girl FIRST!!!! Now, go do the right thing!!!

  • cn - 15 years ago

    The Academy should remain non-political. The Pianist was an amazing and important film, more important than Chicago was.

    There are far too many recent and unsolved child rape cases going on in America that I find it useless to pursue one that has already been forgiven by the victim. This country is broke--we cannot afford to spend whatever it cost to pursue Polanski in a case that can very well be a waste of time and money, when there are so many other cases that need attention--violent cases where the victim has not and will not forgive the attacker.

  • Amerisuck - 15 years ago

    First of all, Roman Polanski spent time in Chino and his sentence was reduced to time served! This was before the charges were dropped by the family of . The judge Presiding over his case was extremely corrupt and had a personal vendetta against Polanski. The reason Polanksi had fled the U.S. is the judge was going to reverse the time served verdict and try to slam him with contempt of court. The prosecuting attorney and the defense eventually brought to light the corruption of the judge. Surprising the case wasn't thrown out at that point.

    Typical though, I wouldn't imagine any American doing their homework in order to know what they are talking about. You people are tools!

  • Grace - 15 years ago

    O.J. Simpson slashed the throats of two people and was acquitted wrongly, and he was treated like a celebrity for years. Obviously, the justice system in this country is all screwed up. Polanski needs to pay for his crime, but getting an Oscar is a completely separate issue. Everyone thinks celebrities should be ostracized for their crimes, but they never are, and that's the reality of it.

  • nick - 15 years ago

    look at this, only 4 people actually feel the guy should be thrown to jail along with the people that voted for him to win the oscar...regardless what you may think, the guy deserved to win he award for the great movies he made, he shouldn't be judged over what happened over what happened 30 some years ago, especially when Geimer actually forgave him and no longer holds a grudge.

    Samantha Geimer, "I believe that Mr. Polanski and his film should be honored according to the quality of the work. What he does for a living and how good he is at it have nothing to do with me or what he did to me. I don't think it would be fair to take past events into consideration."

  • dragonfly - 15 years ago

    The "Pianist" is a brilliant work of art.
    Polanski's genius has nothing to do with his common sense.
    Yes he deserves to be extradited and face the charges pending against him.
    Read the questions again. The comments I viewed don't make sense.

  • dualienoted - 15 years ago

    For Christ's sake, this has nothing to do with politics. I'm more of a 'lefty' than anybody in Hollywood, and I can't understand why one single soul thinks this pig should walk away from his crime like nothing happened. The fact that his family was slaughtered doesn't mean the 'poor suffering soul' should be handed a 'get out of jail free' card for child molestation. And the European attitude... like Americans are horribly provincial for thinking somebody should go to jail for the piddling 'mistake' of raping a child!

    That his career continued without so much as a bump after doing that turns my stomach.

  • gjdagis - 15 years ago

    Poland just past a law to castrate these nuts; perhaps he can be their first "patient" ! LOL

  • streetsweeper - 15 years ago

    Typical anything goes Hollywood Lefties, what a creepy bunch that would vote anything for this pedophile, except jail.

  • Jerry Lacosta - 15 years ago

    The pervert should be thrown in jail rather than protected by the French.

  • ase1972 - 15 years ago

    How about no he is wanted criminal and should not have received any accolades till he comes back and deals with that situation.

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