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Should students in Florida have to stand and recite the Pledge of Allegiance?

Total Votes: 321

  • cameron frazer - 15 years ago

    i'm an idiot...and i'm lazy

    when i gradumawate from skool, i want to groW uP toBE a douchebag...

    my mom is one already and my dad left town...he is sO SmarT..withOUT HiS HeLP, My mommy MaDe me A iDiot liKE her

  • purvis.youngblood - 15 years ago

    if the government provides their education...then do what you're asked to do...we've removed prayer from school, now we're no longer required to pledge allegiance to the country providing a FREE education.

    why not expel constitutional right to a free education.

    Cameron the Douchebag Frazer

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