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Did Barack Obama deserve to win the Nobel Peace Price?


  • Grezik - 15 years ago

    The prize was premature. Now the nobel prize has no more value than a happy meal toy. I believe the vote took place in February, a month after Obama was in office. This makes no sense, he had accomplished nothing for peace at that time. All he had done was won an election like 40+ other presidents, I guess they should all get one too. Lets see what he does with his 1.4 million dollars... maybe he should divide it equally among all of those welfare riders he honors for doing nothing.

  • Nathaniel Godknows - 15 years ago

    Barack Obama is advancing a worthy course to bring peace to the whole world. His actions so far have not betrayed any intention to sustain world peace. It should be noted that all the on-going wars Barack have involved himself in is to bring peace to the local people and by extension the global communnity. I respect the judgement of the Nobel Peace Committee in awarding the NPP to Obama to encourage the sustenance of world peace. I suggest that contrasting recognition should be made to rate world peace threatening leaders like Almadinajad of Iran.

  • Ana Mota - 15 years ago

    I congratulate him for what he has been doing. But the prize is premature.

  • Dr. Tony Nwaka - 15 years ago

    Vision, geniune commitment to a multilatera approach to global security and evident departure from the old mutually adversarial order are definitely deserving of commendation and encouragement, particularly in a world under the spell of nuclear disaster. With Obama the Nobel Committee could not have made a better choice.

  • Carlton Johnson - 15 years ago

    Peace be upon him! An inspiration to a new generation. Courage to go out and empower the marginalized in Chicago (and therefore beyond). Strength and wisdom to use his mixed heritage to be a bridge between black and white, North and South, blue collar and white collar, Kenya and Kansas, developing nations and developed, East and West. He is gracious in the face of the constant snapping of partisans who can see no good in anything he does. That said, Mr. President, be bold, meet sincerely with the "enemies" of the USA: meet with Castro, meet with Ahmadinejad, meet with Hamas, meet with Kim Jong-il--Love the enemy, be perfect as your Father is in Heaven.

  • Henry Clark - 15 years ago

    Obama did not deserve the prize as he has not achieved anything but talk. I do applause him though for what he is trying to do.

  • Dr. Medhat Bakri - 15 years ago

    1. As President of the Super Power, Obama submitted his strategy for a peacefull world; this is both concrete and substntial and worthy of more than a mere Nobel Prise, which were given to people with much lesser agenda, roles and capacity.

    2. Obama is not simplly managing two wars as you say; he is managing many LEGACY WARS, which he inherited from JWB and the Christian right, starting with Afganistan, Iraq, the financial catastrophy, the unemployment problem and furthermore he is fighting to give healthcare to 50 mllion uncvered Americans, etc.

  • charlie trautz - 15 years ago

    What;s next? His head on Mt. Rushmore!!!!
    This man has got everyone fooled!! When is the world going to wake up? Unfortunately the U.S elects a President for 4 years. So we have no choice. But the rest of the world needs to stop looking at this guy through "rose Colored Glasses". He should have not even been considered for this most prestigous award. I think the Nobel Peace Prize Committe should stand up tall and apologize to all the past winners.

  • Rean Botha - 15 years ago

    The Nobel Committee has rewarded Obama for what they hope he will do, not for what he has done. It is clearly premature.

  • Carlos Peláez - 15 years ago

    I think it's visionary. It recognizes the role that mediatic inteligence has to play for a better world, it puts pressuere on the American Government and other leaders too, at least, speak about peace and good choices, it also puts pressure on the american opposition to ease the consecution of Obama's good promises. And as far as his achievements are concerned, who has made the American People WANT to get out of a war just by convincing them? That was unheard of.

    Other laureates have suffered for peace, granted, but the NPP doesn't award the one who has suffered the most. We want a world in which achieving a change doensn't call for suffering and catastrophy, and Obama is a bold example of that.

    Granted, he has a long way to go, but this might be the push he needs, because he's definetly the man for the job (He knows his media)

    Again, visionary decision by the NPP comitte. One that can actually make a difference.

    By the way, this decision has everybody talking about merit, peace efforts and other posible laureates and what they do. Wouldn't you say that's the whole point? People are reacting as if they had given the award to Robert Mugabe

  • Thamizhan - 15 years ago

    I like this guy as his countries president. But to receive a Nobel peace prize.. to much.
    This hguy had the nost powerful job in the world and did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING when 30,000 innocent Tamil civilians were brutally killed by the Sri Lankan government within a month. Nobel prize for peace? theats the last thing he deserves...
    I am not saying Bush deserves more..

  • Jayred - 15 years ago

    It's too premature for Barack Obama to win the Nobel Peace Prize. What were the judges thinking?

    There are many things he has not yet done in the name of peace (understandable since he is only 9 months in office).

  • Ravi - 15 years ago

    He was nominated within a week after he assumed office. So it was not for his achievements as President. It was for winning an election as the first black president, peacefully bridging the racial divide and fufilling Dr. Martin Luther King's dream. When King won the prize no one questioned it. Why now?

  • mark - 15 years ago

    peace needs to be achieved before you you can say you have peace.

  • JUDE NWOBODO - 15 years ago



  • mark - 15 years ago

    i great person would of not except a award before they have earn it. the nobel has become a popularity contest.

  • JUDE NWOBODO - 15 years ago


  • Anne Crowder - 15 years ago

    I am thrilled at the Noble Peace Prize award and appalled by the comments by CNN that appear to be questioning not only Obama's qualifications for this award but the integrity of the awards committee and the process. Because this man, Obama, has the intelligence and the guts to place the U.S.A. in its proper position in the world, he has NOT weakened the US position as some would have you believe, but strengthened it. Once again CNN has got it WRONG! I salute my President for taking tough positions and am so happy that he has RIGHTLY been rewarded for this. Anne Crowder

  • lukas kuipers - 15 years ago

    It's good, to link a global peace prize to Africa; now it is there, anyone else to get it at this moment in time would be humble ; as well as the fact that there was no buzz around anyone else as far as I recall recently.

  • Federico - 15 years ago

    forgot it, I'm from The Netherlands

  • Federico - 15 years ago

    Nobel prize is to much... What should do a Nobel peace prize with Afghanistan? What should do a Novel peace prize with a dehumanized economy? or what a Nobel peace prize you think should do with a health care system based on business?, because we know what an USA president do, but a Nobel peace prize?... keep watching....

  • Aggrey Anditi - 15 years ago

    Barack's achievement is self evident and concluding that he was awarded the Nobel Prize for what he is likely to achieve is biased. This guys has got the world listening and talking to each other on very fundamental issues. Do not forget most of the wars and conflicts we experience occur simply because people can not respect one another and humbly talk, discuss and listen. The fact that Obama has shown that he sis genuine and respect others point of view and willing to listen, that is an achievement.

    Aggrey - Nairobi - Kenya

  • dennis - 15 years ago

    obama has been a man of the moment since office. i do not no what people still want from him. i think from my point of view. this is an important achievement made so far. thanks to the noble committee.

    dennis ogbeifun
    vienna, austria

  • Donald Arthur - 15 years ago

    Throughout the campaign, the whole concept of talking to everyone, friend or foe, was pooh-poohed on both sides of the aisle. Obama wasted no time after taking office to turn this idea into reality. Only time will tell how effective the initiative will turn out to be, but that giant step is well worth the prize.

  • Jay - 15 years ago

    Obama does not deserve the NPP. It is an insult to previous, deserving winners who suffered in the name of peace like Mandela. Shameful!

  • Robert Thomson - 15 years ago

    The nobel commitee has done an excellent job. Giving nobel peace prize to a man, who takes stride forward towards world peace unlike his predecessors is truly justified. This man deserves it, and thank god, he won.

  • jonathan - 15 years ago

    Him wining is a joke he hasnt done anything

    maybe next year it shouldbe given to miss universe because they allso want world peace

  • Lizanne Brandao - 15 years ago

    Obama is a great lets see the deeds!! His name does not belong next to the greats as Mandela, Tutu, Carter, Wiesel etc etc.

  • Gene Mcgovern - 15 years ago

    This is embarrassing.

    If he has any class at all, he will refuse to accept it.

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