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Did the Blue Team do the right thing by sacrificing Coach Mo? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 833

  • ann murphy - 15 years ago

    I stopped watching during the Heba Vicky season. I have stopped watching this one too.

  • Di - 15 years ago

    I can't believe what the show is doing. In my opinion, it is obvious the wheel game was a total fix. Notice how they did not show the entire wheel when Tracey spun it. Is she threatening to sue as a result of the first show -- did you make a medical mistake. I am shocked that you went to black vs blue especially after Bob and Jillian were so pleased they were not competing against each other but there for the contestants. With Tracey still in the game and the possible fix of the wheel, Bob and Jillian's reputations are definitely on the line. Maybe the scale is fixed too -- how did she (Tracey) lose as much weight as those busting their a... when she is not allowed to do a lick of exercise? Just my opinion!

  • Gizmo - 15 years ago

    Tracy is just so evil. Whenever a question or a comment comes up they show those crazy eyes. I wonder what her family thinks of her? Maybe they're glad they get a vacation from her. I would love to know why the show is keeping her there since it's only been a vacation for her.Who wouldn't want to lounge around and play games all day like that. I don't get if she got cleared to be on the show why this illness that really hasn't been explained wasn't caught. So many more people who really want to be there and deserve it should have gotten the chance over her. She whines and crys and calls it a game. Sure some of it is but the others are there for the right reasons.. I am just so sick of her acting and now even more that coach Mo is gone. I bet she didn't even thank him for that sacrifice.SEND HER HOME NOW!!

  • skinny chick - 15 years ago

    Seriously, the Tracey chick? She's GOT TO GO!!! Don't care how many pounds she carries/loses/etc., she's just a dreadful human being, truly the first BL contestant who clearly could give a damn about her health or anyone else's, physical or mental. She's there for the money - "pain is temporary, pride is forever" or something like that is her family motto, eh? Well, what the H is anyone proud of when it comes to her? Yucky, yucky, yucky. She just wants the money - bet if she loses a bunch of weight, she'll gain it all back promptly when show ends because no one will be dangling cash in front of her to keep her going. I'm deeply disappointed the team got rid of Mo and kept this evil b***** on the show - WHAT were they thinking? were they contaminated by her concentrated evil?

  • hateTracy - 15 years ago

    Tracy is the devils spawn. How in Gods name does she live to see another day? I thought Heba and Vicki were evil , but this woman takes the cake. Also besides being evil she is mentally unbalanced. Oh Lord on the family video to my suprise the husband looked normal that was a shock.

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