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Do you get better feedback from your splash pages comparing to default referral/affiliate links?


  • mustapha - 14 years ago


  • Damian - 14 years ago

    I currently get around a 2% to 5% clickthrough on my splash pages which is extremly high. I also get lots of referals. If you don't use a splash page will get 0 results almost guarenteed failure. Splash pages are essential to sucess in traffic exchanges.

  • clemente - 14 years ago

    complimenti siete sempre un passo avanti

  • MarketerScripts - 14 years ago

    Yes. I'm promoting adsense content blog using splash page and i got traffic. Because adsense doesn't allow us to get traffic from traffic exchange, so using splash page is good idea to promote site.

  • warmup - 14 years ago


  • Thomas - 14 years ago

    Splash pages do work, but they have to be your OWN splash pages.

    Using splash pages provided by a programme is no better than using the default affiliate link (and often worse, because it increases the number of clicks between your potential customer, and the sign up page), because the saturation is still there - it just takes a little longer to become saturated with program supplied splash pages.

    I don't know how well the EasyHits4U custom splash pages work because I don't use them, but I have to say every time I see one, I think "Geocities", not "Serious marketer".

  • David - 14 years ago

    Here is another idea. Show the members stats for the sites that refer to EH4U best. You have all the data of the top converting and referring sites to your pages. If you showed that it would save us money in advertising

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