Should Borough President James Molinaro debate challenger John Luisi?


  • Agnes - 15 years ago

    Let's remember Molinaro is 79 years old. During his early years there were a lot of people who did not finish high school for many reasons. So let's deal with the right issues. He is 79 years old, he needs to retire and enjoy the rest of his life. John Luisi is really willing and able to clean up Staten Island, get unfinished projects done and see us into the future. November 3rd vote Luisi

  • DON - 15 years ago

    It's time for this guy to go. He does not have the nerve or smarts to debate John Luise.
    It's been said many times that Molinaro does not have a high school deploma. A NYC Police Officer and NYC Firefighter needs 2 yrs of College to be appointed. This clown makes a six figure salary and has control of a lot of taxpayer money. Time for this "OLD MAN" to go! Term limits was over turned and this guy hopes to ride in on King Bloombergs coat tails. GET RID OF BOTH OF THESE GUYS !!!

  • Annagrace - 15 years ago

    He knows the people are against a third term.....yet he runs and will not debate. He is as arrogant as the mayor!!!!!!

  • Martin - 15 years ago

    Refuses to debate? Refuse to vote for this third term crap. Luisi is fresh blood we need. He can't be worse than Molinaro.

  • JOHN - 15 years ago

    molinard needs to hide. does he even have a high school diploma? in todays age that is a huge embarrassment to staten island.luisi will make him sound like the utter dope that he is. i am tired of having someone who grew up in another era run staten island with his very old ideas.molinaro has had twenty years in office already. he runs on his record, fair enough. molnaro and molnari were both in bed with developers like randy lee who was put on the board to oversee rezoning laws.mass residential and commercial development. which created low paying jobs and created mass traffic. molnaro was payed off in real estate(florida condo} molnario is a corrupt old man with old views.he needs to go

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