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I think the "balloon boy" story is...


  • rondarose - 15 years ago

    The balloon boy story is such a hoax. The compartment at the bottom of the balloon is made of cardboard - no way it would support the boy! Also, how would he have gotten into the balloon, shut himself in there, and stayed quiet while they were obviously launching it into the air?

  • DRJ - 15 years ago

    Loser now has ruined his underwear @ :42 in the interview, or was that Mom's bowels releasing (a natural human reaction to extreme duress.)

    Send Senior into the upper atmosphere in a jiffy pop machine without any rescue attempt.

    Let Mom clean toilet bowls in the sherriff's office with a toothbrush for the next ten years.

    Get the Juniors some legtimate foster parenting!!

  • hoaks - 15 years ago

    obvious hoax. after seeing cnn video when he was being asked to find out what the kid meant by "we did this for the show" , he acted as though he didnt hear it ... and all .. this is bad. anyone who cannot figure out the obvious fact that it is a scam is really a fool.

  • connie - 15 years ago

    If you saw this guy and his crazy wife on wife swap you'd KNOW it was a hoax and an almost tragic one at that. The lives they were willing to dangle a guy from a helicopter...
    Get a video of the last WIFE SWAP...he's a nut case big time.

    ...and what lousy acting..''.no soup for you' LIAR..take those kids away from those people.
    I watched the utube with the kids singing filthy songs...not cute, not funny...using the "f" word, they think they are cute, I don't. these are children, yu are bad parents. Make them pay for the cost of the "RESCUE"

  • Donna Rugo - 15 years ago

    HOAX!!!!!!!! If they(the family) are NOT charged for all expenses related to this there is a real problem with the laws here, and what kind of cops do they have in that city??? I'm glad I don't live there if that's the best they can do searching for someone in a house. PLEASE what idiots.

  • Dan - 15 years ago

    Simple enough to figure out. Take the balloon. Put a 45 lb sack in it (what the boy supposedly weighs) and fill it with helium. See if it even leaves the ground. BTW, is the little square part under the Jiffy-pop section closed off from the helium in the upper section? If it were helium filled too, wouldn't anyone in there have suffocated?

    My vote is hoax. Charge them and make them pay for any costs associated with this fiasco. Quite frankly, if it is shown to be a hoax, they should be run out of town.

  • dee - 15 years ago

    redflags went up last nite when they first reported on it... in an emergency, when you are scared for your child's life, who thinks to call a tv station? someone who wants attention.

  • balloonbob - 15 years ago

    hellooooo? anyone believing this was real please send me ten dollars and I will send you a piece of all that weather experiment equipment attatched to the balloon. Hmmm... Father says it was a weather experiment supposedly to last how many weeks? And it comes down in 3 hours baren of any equipment? I would also like the media covering the story to swear on a stack of helium air-borne bibles that they truly did not suspect a hoax immediately and that they never used the "event" as a sensationalistic ratings bonanza. HOw about a new poll asking how many viewers of cnn would boycott it's sponsers unless a full forthcoming apology from the network as to it's complicity in the illusion of the event?

  • SDTim - 15 years ago

    Yeah, I think it's a hoax. Sounds like the family likes the spotlight they've experienced with "reality t.v." and are trying to create a little "reality tv" of their own!

  • georgio - 15 years ago

    If you want to do something positive, you must write the local authorities in Richard Heene's town and let them know it is unacceptable for this to be swept under the rug without a thorough investigation and not have the taxpayers pay for his i hope failed attempt at his second 15 minutes of fame,(first one was a wife swap reality show) not to mention how sick we all felt when there was no boy in the balloon. Everything else means nothing and just venting as he is feeding on all of this like a vampire and talk shows are his fresh blood. You notice he has a string of appointments lined up not even 24 hours after finding his son safe. If it were me i would still be shaking and thankful he was alive and the last thing i would want is to perpetuate this nightmare. What is there to say except i am a dumb and ignorant parent who would rather play with my own toys that watch that my children are safe. Do you need TV. shows to do this. You watch i can see the National Enquirer dialing now and offering to pay him a few million bucks for discovering Aliens and making him a hero for saving the world. I think it was mark Twain who said -"A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes." Try all the way around. g0.

  • dahlimama - 15 years ago

    Dad is a total failure as a parent. Teaches kids to lie for money and fame has put kids on internet in a foul mouthed video that will live for perpetuity. They better be prepared to marry loser women because if I saw the evidence of how those brats were raised they would NOT be contributing their defective genes to my family pool. These brats make Eric Cartman look good!

  • Scott - 15 years ago

    What a nut-bag this guy is. He's an opportunist that fabricated the whole thing for publicity. You can take one look at that over sized Jiffy Pop bag and see who is full of hot air.

    Send him the BILL !

  • Tom Post - 15 years ago

    The authorities should investigate this incident further to find out the real truth. After their family interview on tv, it's pointing now that this was staged and is a complete hoax. Let them reimburse the expenses incurred by the authorities to respond to this supposed incident and fine them big or better yet let them stay in jail.

  • bartythebartender - 15 years ago

    it is a legit hoax

  • Bon - 15 years ago

    I believe it is a hoax and that this family needs to compensate the people for their time and efforts to locate this child. What horrible parenting to do this and for the sake of what? $$$$$$$$$$$

  • dhi - 15 years ago

    There ought to be a law against such...oh, yeah; there is. They ought to be held accountable. The kid tells the truth: "We did this for a show." Let me sit on the jury.

  • I.Stein - 15 years ago

    I agree with all of the folks who think this was a hoax.

    This all needs to be investigated and exposed.

  • Drugless Fairbanks - 15 years ago

    no hoax.

    brothers were on roof when neighbor came out.

    he asked whats up and they told him their bro was in the balloon.

    why would they be on the roof with no-one watching (until neighbor comes out) if it was a hoax?

    brother blurted out during interview that he did not know the little bro could get into the attic.

    you can't stage that sort of impromptu behaviour in little kids.

    anyone that thinks this family is unhealthy should reevaluate their own work in cubicle go home and watch tv while your kids eat fast food and play vidgame 'dismal regular' existence.

  • Michael H. - 15 years ago

    I'm usually not a cynic but finding it difficult to believe that boy was able to hide for two hours without anyone finding him!

  • Nx - 15 years ago

    Heene is hiding something.

    If there were nothing other than 6-yr-old confusion behind the answer 'we did this for the show' then Heene would have shown no reluctance in asking his son again. Something along the lines of 'Falcon, what did you mean before when you said "you said we did this for the show"?'

    What did he do when Falcon answered the question with the 'show' line?

    His immediate reaction: 1) 'Ma-an', as in 'dammit to fuckery, the kid blew it', 2) a shitscared, shallow-throated non-sequitur in 'You didn' out?' and 3) a heavy, defeated sigh, by way of annoyance and a desperate attempt to get his breath back after his heart jumped into his throat.

    If his reaction were one of indignation at a suggestion the whole episode were a hoax or stunt, it would have been apparent as soon as Blitzer went down that road. But the guy shat himself, waffled around for a bit, halfheartedly began to re-ask the poor kid the question before thinking better of it and coming up with a pisspoor attempt at 'victim'. When the truth behind this thing comes out, Heene is going to look a bigger fool than he just has. And not only that, an exploiter of his children, which is far worse.

  • Howard W Tate - 15 years ago

    Dad asks, if you heard us calling, why didn't you answer?

    Kid falters, says, we did it for a show.

    Dad does NOT look at kid like, what the heck are you talking about?
    Instead, he chokes up; exactly the way he'd react if the kid blew his lines.

    Don't you just love stupid people who think they're slick? They are so entertaining.

    Make Dad reimburse the police and air force. And get the kid some acting lessons.

  • BartytheBartender - 15 years ago

    This is so a hoax guys! The father knew that balloon could not lift the kid to 7,000 feet. It had not enough displacement, the most it could do would be hover over the trees. The media in this country is soooooo gullible! heh

  • photonhero - 15 years ago

    Saw the Dad on TV this Morning

    What a terrible actor he is..... this smells of hoax from the very beginning, his one mistake is that it did not play out long enough, not enough material for a book or movie ( thank god)

  • R Ronan - 15 years ago

    I hope not a hoax. Putting other peoples welfare on the line with a stunt like this would be inexcusabe.

  • kidswillbkids - 15 years ago

    What a beautiful,sweet family.

  • Justin - 15 years ago

    Yes, complete hoax.

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