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Should the Deerfield Beach teens face life in prison?

Total Votes: 1,989

  • E - 15 years ago

    This & Dunbar are "DASTARDLY", these "creatures" who set this boy afire deserve nothng but the same in return. Take them, each to their own front yards, teather them down, bring out their "pro-creators" ( notice I didn't say Pa---ts, because no one who has offsprings like this are fit to have that title ), call out ALL the media & set these litte B------s afire & let their "pro-creators" & the entire world witness their frying. Even the bible teaches "an eye for an eye" & this should be the the ONLY form of punishment. The problem today, everyone hides behind " Mental" excuses. Mental my a--, Castrate, then shoot the Dunbar animals & FRY all 5 of these lowlife's that did this to Michael.
    Law abiding, tax paying citizen's should not have to foot the bill for these "creeps" to reside in prison 'til they die & more than likely ( no matter how ugly prison can be ) live a better life. After all, think about it people,
    FREE lodging, FREE food, FREE clothing, NEVER have to work or for that matter look for a job.
    And for Michael, if he survives, he'll be in his own prison, w/a lifetime of horrific inescapable memories, to say nothing of the probability of irreparable scarring. The price innocent people have to pay for the acts of "ANIMALS".

  • Nancy Snider - 15 years ago

    Donations for Michael can be deposited at any Bank of America
    The foundation's account number is 898035752616
    here an address you can use but any branch can take the donation.

    Michael Brewer Foundation
    Bank of America
    4330 US HWY 98 North
    Lakeland FL: 33809

  • Shelia Gardner - 15 years ago

    My thoughts and prayers go out to this child and his family. God does work miracles! Really cant understand why the kids today, are so cruel and heartless. I truly believe this is a result from a lack of discipline in the home. These boys do not deserve a second chance. They deserve life in prison!!!!!!

  • C. Jung - 15 years ago

    A child's character is formed by the age of 6. The mere fact that the kids who perpetrated this heinous crime even thought up this vicious act shows they are already sociopaths and unredeemable. Their victim, if he lives, will face a lifetime imprisoned in his horribly scarred body, so the perpetrators should face their own lifetimes of imprisonment. I have no sympathy for the boys who did this awful deed. The consequences should fit the crime.

  • daniel p. - 15 years ago

    I most certainly will not write an uneducated response as I truly did think this upcoming response through before I chose to write about this. It is quite sad and with great dishonor that acts such as these are committed among our youth daily in America. What is most baffling is that noone seems to be punishing the parents of these children. We all know what would have happenned to us growing up when we simply misbehaved in school. I even wonder if the parents feel any remorse. Again, carefuly thought out prior to writing, put all of the children in front of all to see how it feels to be burned the same, put them into cells with only bread and water, no t.v. or books. The prisons have been proven to be failures in terms of rehabilitation.

  • Mike - 15 years ago

    They just need counseling? Go to hell you liberals. I'd cut all 10 of there balls out while they scream in agony. That's the only way to be sure these peices of garbage won't ever reproduce.

  • Doctor - 15 years ago

    You've got to be kidding me! Skin the little bastards alive. They are as hideous as the little bastards who raped that woman. Animals belong in cages. And while they are at it lock up the no good parents too and do society a favor!

  • nativewooder - 15 years ago

    The boys spending their whole life in the prison system would cost the public more than it is worth. Now, if the parents of these little cretins could be put in prison for life, then I'm all for it! Chances are pretty good that the ignorance of these kids will cause their deaths before they reach the age of 21. They need rigid scheduling and supervision right away. Another reason to disband the Dept. of Children and Family Services(not)!!!

  • Suzi - 15 years ago

    For the family of the young boy who was burned my prayer are with you.

    These boys are obviously misguided and need counseling and yes need to serve time in juvenile detention. But throwing them in Jail only creates a more angry and misguided youth. Offer these boys the help they need so they can decipher right from wrong and not to react with violence. Work programs where they learn to Earn things in life; not by stealing which is what I believe started this entire incident in the first place. Hopefully these boys will have regrets for what they did and learn a hard lesson from it and go on to become productive young men. We can only pray that they get the help they need.

  • fred - 15 years ago

    They all should be punished the same. they were man enought to start this little venture together, let them all face the same punishment. Life in prison or if the victum dies. they should get the death penalty.

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