Where do you use your computer in your RV?


  • Graham Paul - 13 years ago

    We keep ours in a cabinet until we stop and then use it on the dinette. It gets a lot of use finding our next stop, keeping informed, researching questions that come up, etc.

    While we are traveling we use our smart phones.

    Be forewarned! Laptops are a dieing breed. Tablets will be replacing them. Being kinda old school, I'm not sure I like that. What are we going to do for keyboards.

  • Ted Haverkate - 15 years ago

    Removed the living room couch/bed, we never used as a bed and seldom sat on it, I replaced it with a desk I custom made for both a desktop and storage for a laptop for those times when “wireless” is out of range. I’ve a comfortable Executive style office chair on rollers. Beats the heck out of the straight-backed Dinnette! I am going to replace the current chair with a recliner I’ll modified with rails to slide in and out under the desk when using the computer and a turntable to allow turning toward the center of the room, better lighting and more comfort when reading. During the last 25,000 miles or two years we have watched less than 5 hours of TV.

    Space also allowed installation of a 5’ tall 4’ wide 1’ deep three-shelf cabinet with two drawers I resized to fit under the overhead storage compartments, as it is set crosswise it also serves as a room divider. My wife loves the extra storage; hey without the cabinet I’d have never received her permission to modify! She is 4’1’’ and unable to reach any of the overhead compartments. At 5’10” I can barely reach the overhead fans! What were “they” thinking?

  • Dave Violette - 15 years ago

    My wife uses dinette table. I use the passenger seat rotated to meet a folding table over engine hatch. This gives me a wonderful corner window office!

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