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Should Jay Levin have been punished more severely for killing Mark Drewes?

Total Votes: 878

  • Janet Cappel - 15 years ago

    Mark will be in my heart forever. Every October, I make sure I take the time to drive to where he died and say prayers for him and his family. Greg and Lucianna deserve some peace for what happened to their sweet son. Shame on Mr. Levin for trying to get off PROBATION!!!!!!!!!!!!! This case is a definate failure of our judicial system.

  • saveusfromidiotslikelevin - 15 years ago

    Absolutely correct! Visualize this - you are inside your house. The front door is shut tight. You hear a noise that makes you think somebody is outside the door. To the best of my knowledge, people knocking on your front door aren't generally coming to harm or rob you and rarely would a person knocking on the front door represent any sort of threat or problem. If you've done things to others to make you fearful of what you'll find outside the door, then you don't open it - Right? All the rational, intelligent, normal people stuff aside, even if you were as twisted and psycho as Levin and decided those noises were a reason to feel fear, anybody with half a brain would probably start with normal stuff - (1) turn on the front light (Levin didn't do that) and (2) call the police and the big but basic one (3) DO NOT ope the door. The area is not wild. There were no viscious wildcats or bears outside the door - what kind of a perverted mind decides to open the door in the dark and shoot without giving any warning? As is remarked above WTF? It is frightening to realize that people that stupid and that messed up could be living right next door to any one of us - that they actually appear to be normal and human on the surface. I guess it is only after they do something like kill a kid that their true colors show - and boy are those colors ugly!

  • Great wall - 15 years ago

    I totaly agree with you.
    No one in that is right mind would behave in such a paranoic state to go out of the house "afraid for his life ", NAKED go out of the house with a gun ,mind you,a special bulett to kill animals ,and shoot someone in thier back that is running away from you???????WTF....You can be serious!!!!!

  • ridplanetofscum - 15 years ago

    All bad comments are from the murderer. All good ones seem to be from decent people, lots of them. By the way, the Drewes family was awarded $750,000 from levin but he has not paid a penny. He has claimed total poverty since the civil trial. Hope your not his neighbor. rid

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