Did the county do the right thing removing the volunteer-installed bridge on Sour Springs Road?


  • sheri lacey - 15 years ago

    it is a sad day when we as tax payers donatate time and materials to do something good for our area and our public employes use our tax dollars aganst us i wonder if this bridge goes back in if the wouderful attorney would give up 400 hrs of time and all of the rest of our public employes who contributed are going to help they all forget who they work for

  • Jim - 15 years ago

    The liability concern is a non-issue IF the club obtained a NYS certified bridge engineer to certify the bridge for the load that it was to be used for (non-vehicle). Also, Municipalities are covered more than a private landowner in this such case. The NYS Recreational Use Statute as well as the protection that the General Municipal Law affords municipalities for snowmobile related injuries and/or lawsuits that may arise from sledding on publically owned land/roads should have been discussed by the County Attorney and put that uneasyness to rest.
    This truly is a sad situation where a group of volunteers that are out there promoting their region free of charge to the Counties and got no true respect for those efforts. Shame on those elected politicians that didn't know the law, but especially to the Attorney for not understanding the Law that his salary is paid to him to know all about.

  • Tony - 15 years ago

    It cost the county nothing to build or maintain and it is covered by the clubs insurance, why is there a problem? It benefits everyone. If it is that big a problem why can't the county lease the land to the club for a $1 for the next 100 years to relieve any responsibility?

  • Joe - 15 years ago

    This is the perfect example of what is wrong with todays government.

    No attempt to work with the club was made and that is sad. Why? Would it be that difficult to reach out to the club to rectify any concerns?

    I have lost total faith in the leadership of our state and county politicans. This is just more frosting on the cake.

  • Jason - 15 years ago

    Remember elections are right around the corner.Let your voices be heard and vote out the people that aren't on our side.

  • Marcy Boyce - 15 years ago

    How can Genesee County promote "Genesse County Tourism" without the use of a bridge to get there? -Orleans Co. Snowmobiler

  • james lundmark - 15 years ago

    it just shows how politicians lack common sense. it was free and the snowmobile club had insurance on it and payed for it. so were is the downside? the downside was no political idiot could say it was his idea and they couldn't tax the over taxed. to bad we cant remove useless goverment officails like they did to the bridge.

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