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Which role is the most challenging?

Total Votes: 2
1 Comment

  • MA - 15 years ago

    The question you pose is an incredibly difficult one to answer especially since I've never held any of those roles (so I'm just conveying my opinion). I voted for teacher, though, because they are the ones who have the most direct contact with children. In essence, they are responsible for educating our future. In addition to the responsibility of presenting material in a way that EVERY student is able to access it (despite the fact that learning styles differ greatly), all while trying to stay on pace, manage the classroom, etc, they also end up wearing many other hats (counselor, mediator, mentor, etc), While it's incredibly difficult to run a school and even more difficult to run a school district, I'd venture to say that teachers do the most work out of the 3 roles but often receive the least pay, recognition and support while doing so.

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