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Does the Phillies' dominant performance change how you feel about the Yankees' chances in this Series? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 16,694

  • sellers low price. - 14 years ago

    stupid phillies! YN Yanekes will always be number ! 1

  • phillyguy - 15 years ago

    THIS SUCK THEY LOST BOOOO HOOO i really wanted them to win instead the skankeeys won :( DAM basterds draft

  • Aldo - 15 years ago

    I don't think the yankees have taken the phils lightly. Phillies will most likely win the next game that Cliff Lee will pitch (because he was so dominating in Game 1) so the Yankees have to pretty much win every other game. Its incredible to see Mariano Rivera in the bullpen during the 9th inning but not pitching on the mound.
    Yankees have their work cut out for them, the phillies weakness is their bullpen, if the Yanks can knock out their starter, they got a chance. How will pedro pitch vs Yanks? What about Cole Hamels?

  • Phillies Phever wow! - 15 years ago

    The PHILLIES are going to win this WORLD SERIES. FACE IT they are the best and the ones to beat.

    Good luck NY! We bleed RED!

  • Buddha in Maroon - 15 years ago

    Hey Luis, how many World Championships does THIS Yankee team have? Not the one's with Babe "Fat Ass" Ruth; Mickey "the Liverless Drunk" Mantle; Yogi "The RETARD" Berra; Lou "my own body hates me" Gerhig; or Billy "Drunk Drivin'" Martin?
    Are they coming to help you? It ain't Vahalla pal, it's a stadium.

  • Luis - 15 years ago

    26 championships. Need I say more. I give it to Lee for shutting down the Yankees. But Pedro will get shelled tonight.

  • Tony Soprano - 15 years ago

    Hey Jesus in Pinstripes, accowding to yaw Southern cracka barrel Ted Turner, the Braves are 'America's Team".

    And as for you, Grant, I quote one of Mr. Spock's most famous Start Trek lines: "Captain, I do not speak on emotion, I merely state fact"

  • PHILLIES!!!!!! - 15 years ago

    6-1. Need I say more. This is a NY paper and the Poll favors the Phillies?

  • PHIGHTMAN 51 - 15 years ago

    Ed Owen Jr., I saw you @ the Gershwin Theatre with the Phillies cap. I agree with you. As J-roll would say: Phils in 5!!

  • Luis - 15 years ago

    Without Cliff Lee, the Phillies would not be in the Series and they would have not won Game 1. Lee is the reason why the Phillies have a chance in winning the series.

  • Ed Owen Jr. - 15 years ago

    Well, what can I say? After the Phightins win the the Series, they should be treated to a "soup to nuts" dinner @ Rosie O'Grady's with 12 oz. Filet Mignons (2 of them for Ryan Howard for sticking to his diet). Phillies in 5!!!!!!

  • seamus - 15 years ago

    THe only thing worse than the Yankees are their undereducated, barely literate, dimwiited fans!

    As sweet as it was watching Cliff Lee shut you worthless, whiny d-bags up, it's gonna be even better when Pedro wins Game 2!

    After the game, we're gonna go take a nice big leak on Don Zimmers grave!

    If you NYC losers forget what it's like to have a parade, feel free to come down next week!

  • Dnice - 15 years ago

    Poor Yankee fans living off of the past. The Phillies are a better overall team and they are showing it. They won last year and have an even better team this year. All that Yankee pride can't get you past this one. Face it and be glad if you can pull out 2 games, it would show a little something because last night was pathetic for such an overpaid staff of ball players. PHILLY PHILLY BABY!!!!!!!!

  • PHILLY PHEVER - 15 years ago

    How are the Yankees America's team? Because youre the only team that can not make the playoffs for the first time in 10 years and then go buy the 3 most expensive free agents in the off season by making them offers that no other team can match? You guys are the smuggest people in America. Phillies in 4.

  • Jesus in Pinstripes - 15 years ago

    Make No mistake, the Yankees are America's team and GOD's team. They are going to win the WS in 1 game. God will make new rules. It won't be their 27th either, it's going to be their 105. God is going to go back and time and change all of the World Series before this one.
    He's going to go back and change it so that Lou Gerhig is still playing; he's going to be immortal (and he won't be twitching). He's going to give ALS to Connie Mack (take that Philly) and you'll be talking about Connie Mack's disease.
    Sorry Phillies fans, it's written in the bible. God hates you.
    Reggie Jackson is going to Mr AprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovember...he's going to be God's other son.
    The old stadium will be where Derek Jeter will give birth to A Rod the Virgin Steriod User and the Phillies will cease to exist. God is going to remove them from Space and Time.

  • Nick James - 15 years ago

    The yankee's are no longer 'America's team'. They represent everything that is wrong with america these days. In an America divided by green the phillies represent the blue collar working class. We don't need to add multiple 100 million dollar players every year. With the exception of Jeter not one Yankee player plays with pride. They play for a paycheck.

  • Maria B - 15 years ago

    "Yankees out for revenge"
    Sports "writers" have no imagination or integrity.
    Are we supposed to believe the ballplayers got together
    and said "let's get revenge" ???
    More likely they have totally given up.

  • phillyfan - 15 years ago

    The Phillies are amazing!!! They are true baseball players. They play as a team all for one and one for all.

    The Yankees, are a bunch of overpaid prima donnas! They look out for themselves. They are to worried about which player is dating which celebrity. They need to learn to compete in baseball not girlfriends.

    The Yankees are like buying a Rolls Royce, but when you look under the hood THERE IS NOTHING THERE!!!

  • Fan from Philly - 15 years ago

    CC pitched a FANTASTIC game! He proved just how great a pitcher he really is. It would have won the game against anybody - maybe even the Phillies on another night. To the Yankees dismay, though, Cliff Lee was almost unbelieveably better! The nonchalant catch, and the behind the back catch were classics. I was on the edge of my seat for most of the game, enjoying the battle. I hope the POST puts more "Frillies" on the cover, we could use the motivation.

  • Dave - 15 years ago

    ...picking up right where we left off. I think the Yanks will win one of the next two, but their last game of 2009 will be Monday night.

    Face it, the Yankees aren't a team like they were back in the day. More of a bunch of highly paid celebrities. They're good, don't get me wrong, but once a team stops respecting their "TMZ" status and gets past the big names in the lineup, they aren't very hard to beat. Forget about the whole season; they could have won 120 games this year and it still wouldn't matter. They just lost one last night, and looked pretty lousy in the process.

    Money doesn't win a World Series.
    Fame doesn't win a World Series.
    History doesn't win a World Series.
    Being a team wins a World Series.

    See you at Game 2.

  • Ralph Smith - 15 years ago

    If you look the performance of the Yankees first 5 batters in the lineup during the Minnesota & Los Angeles Series you could see that we the exception of Jeter and Rodríguez the offensive it's none. Texeira batting in the right side it's a poor hitter, see how many strikeout are in the season . Matsuit if done, Damon can't hit good left handers. You can not win if you don't hit. The bullpen it's only Rivera, the rest it's triple A pitching. Sorry but this is not our year.

  • Mike Taylor - 15 years ago

    Wow - some real "heavy brain power" Yankee (and a few) Phillies fans commenting - what a bunch of Cretans. Good thing your teams have a hell of a lot more class than you do. A true baseball fan would simply show appreciation for the masterpiece that Cliff Lee pitched. So come on yankee & Philles fans with some class and intelligence. Comment. If yuo other morons want to attack me - fine - but try to expand your vocab to moer than "phuck , suck, penis ass ...."You say a lot about yourselves when you open your mouths.

  • Bob from mid-town - 15 years ago

    Lee pitched a GREAT game last night, hands down. However, NYY's have too much pride and talent to fold like a cheap suit. They will bounce back. As for the poll results, Phillie fans know that there may not be many more bright spots for them in this series, so they have to gloat while they can. What does surprise me, however, is the fact there are that many Phillie fans out there who can actually read! Yank's in 6!

  • PhillyMike in Va - 15 years ago

    Look people, baseball is our game, and by "our" I mean all Americans...hell, all earthlings. Fan loyalty is a great thing, but at the end of the day we should all respect the game. The best way to do that is to ignore the poor sports in both Philly and New York. Both cities have more than their fair share of those, and clearly they own computers. Clearly they know very little about the game (or the written word), or else their comments would actually discuss the game, rather than "you suck" and the like. Listening to and responding to these boneheads only encourages them.

    Advantage Phillies, but this series is far from over.

    Go Phils!

  • Bob in Virginia - 15 years ago

    Hated to see America's Team lose last night. I am concerned because if you can't win a big game with your best pitcher, I fear the series might not last long for NY. Have not been impressed with the bullpen's performance in the playoffs so far. And where is the middle of the lineup when the going gets tough?

  • Grant - 15 years ago

    Mr. Supromo:

    I don't reply to peoples comments, unless I think they are so funny that they need to be replied to.

    For your backup to prove your point, you use a show that was aired 13 years ago and on the well known sports handicapper Howard the Porn Stern.

    Please give me a break, bring up something this century not last century to hope your team comes back.

  • navin johnson - 15 years ago

    Keep in mind, NOW comes the rest of the Philly rotation.......Lee, they aint....

  • Tony - 15 years ago

    Taino871, Please tell me what riot happened in Philly last year? I must have missed that one.. Way to make things up.

  • Yank Mees Suck ASS! - 15 years ago

    Give me a break. The Yank-Mees suck, the entire city stinks like a toilet, the Mets suck, Eli is an R-tard, Jeter can't hit the heater, A-hole, I mean A Rod is a tranny and likes dudes and ass grabbing, your women have webbed feet and your brand new stadium blows. Its not the house that Ruth built anymore you low lifes. Your new stadium is the house across the street from the house that Ruth built. Losers!

  • tonyjazz - 15 years ago

    The Yankees should be nervous I'll tell you why, the Phillies are the world champs and are a very good, experienced, powerful team. I think they were laughing at the Yankees last night, just look at them, they don't fear and aren't intimidated by them at all, they beat our ace. Now what Burnett? forget it. Also we have all these unproven bullpen guys that are now showing they can't get it done. Yeah they're in trouble.

  • grant - 15 years ago

    I will not say that the yankees are done, it is the first game.

    But to see that 4 minutes after the game was finished, that the whole stadium was empty I also noticed that the seats in back of the batters were about 89 percent empty.

    Look at the phillies fans, even if they are losing by 15 runs, they will stay till the last out and ALL the seats are filled.

    Team loyalty for NY is if your winning, Team Loyalty for Philly is your team is your team win or lose.

    The yankees haven't beein the the series for over 9 years and most of their wins were before I was born.

  • Joe - 15 years ago

    The Evil Empire will go down!!! NY cannot buy championships!!! Players win championships!!! The Phillies have the players!!! By the way, Rods out of juice, CHEATER!!!!

  • Tony Soprano - 15 years ago

    Funny how just before the '96 Series, Henry Hill was on Howard Stern one morning saying "The Fix is in Howard, the Yankees in 6". And what happened? The Braves clobbered the Yanks the 1st 2 games at the stadium, the the Yanks came back to win the next 4 straight. History has always had an uncanny way of repeating itself.

  • PhuckNY - 15 years ago

    What he fuck is up with you Skankee fans? That stadium was emptying out in the 7th inning! What a bunch of fair weather loser fans. The lack of heart on the "fans" part is only outweighed by the lack of heart on your team.

  • Klaatu, Gort - 15 years ago

    Skankee's are goin down!!!!
    Philly Phan!!!!

  • Phillies Phan - 15 years ago

    What kind of fans are you that you bail on your team after one games. This is why the Phillies will RePeat. We don't bail that easy. And we stay for an entire game. You are all a bunch of bandwagon fans and LOSERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • showsumrespect - 15 years ago

    where were all the yankee fans after the 7th inning??.they gave up and left their team for dead,way to support your team.yankee fans are no diffrent than dodger fans.wait till the series shifts to the bank and you will see real passionate fans!!.and all this trash talking from the new york media..tsk tsk tsk.karma is a motherfucking bitch and its about to take a bite out of the small apple!!!phillie in 4 bitches

  • Walt - 15 years ago

    The yanks are a good team. LOL LOL LOL. How about that big fat pig CC. He pitched his best and still couldn't win. Then is AJ he good. good for nothing. Let's spent another 20M and get some more players. Go Phils. Drop dead Yanks fans.

  • Michael Casey - 15 years ago

    Listen New York, being from Philadelphia, I will say this, the Yankees have taken the Phillies lighty and that is wrong to do that especially in the World Series. What everyone will see that this series will be two teams which have determination to win and not give up. It will possibly be one of the best series that anyone will see in some time. Never underestimate an opponent.

  • Marty McFly - 15 years ago

    Yankees suck! Woo hoo!

  • holymackrel - 15 years ago

    All of the SI - ESPN 'EXPERTS' underestimate the PHILLIES! - so do the majority of NY fans

    That the Yanks should win because of divine right - It's almost like there was an inconvenience that NY has to play Phils in order to become the w/c.

    Don't forget who are the WFC... Let's play the games. - Lee was fantastic!! Let's see what happens tonight!

    When the Bosox played the Rox a couple years, the Rox just rolled over. Don't count on the Phils to roll over and die - The Phillies are too talented & have too much heart

    GO PHILS!!!!!!!!!

  • TeamwithNOnamesonlypinstripes - 15 years ago

    That was one of the greatest games to watch. The yankers are a bunch of overpaid pretty boys. NY sucks and has no money left to put names on their jerseys. It is prob better that way though if I sucked that bad I would not want to advertise my name. GOT TO LOVE THOSE FRILLIES or THRILLIES. GO PHILLS in 4!! Can't wait to see kate hudson dating Ryan Howard or taking it from the hole team. NY fans blow that place was empty by the 7th.. discracefull fans. you should hang out longer and get used to loosing.

  • Dan - 15 years ago

    Martinez is going to eat your dinner tonight NY. You are toast.

  • phillies phan jim - 15 years ago

    it would be nice if the NYY fans had respect for what the Phillies have accomplished the same way that Phillie fans have for the Yankee built a masuleum to honor your tradtion. you really need to show a little more class. didn't Chase Utley tie one of The Babe's records.the Yankees have their logo on the sugar packs, where were the rally towels?

  • Taino871 - 15 years ago

    Phillies Phan, I agree with the Derek Jeter Comment, But we do have great fans here in New York. When we won the pennant we did not cause riot's as your fans did. We were very happy and had fun But at no point did they need police. As far as people leaving the game I don't know about that they may have also been PHil's fans. AND NO I WILL NEVER "Spew Venom" about the defending Champs NEVER! They are Top of the heap, 2 years in a row BUT! Please look at your local papers and see and read what was said about The Yankees! It's only fair. Am I a Phil's fan NO! But I personally would never say bad things about a great team! Not even in jest! So please don't put us all in one pile! I love my Yankee's Since I was all of 4 years old, And that is a long time! But I will never trash talk
    OR Make fun of Our Short stop a Sure Hall of famer! Good Luck Phillies Phan! Lets enjoy the game!

  • Pete Freans - 15 years ago

    Isn't NY cheesecake made with Philadelphia Cream Cheese? OH FA...

    Da Bombers bombed. Hickery Dickery Dock, the Yanks should BLEEP my BLEEP...Owe!

  • Taino871 - 15 years ago

    Look! We may have lost the first one, And give credit where credit is due. Cliff Lee took his "A Game " to the stadium, But The Yankees are not going to roll over and play dead. Expect a great game tonight against Pedro, But The Defending Champs played Great Baseball! Take nothing away from them! Let's Go Yankees!

  • Phillies Phan - 15 years ago

    There is a touch of class in NY. His name is Derek Jeter. By the way the NYY fans are belly aching and talking trash, you do not deserve him. This guy is amazing. When the fans are done booing and leaving in the middle of a World Series Game perhaps he will wake up and see that Philadelphia is where true sports fans live. He would make an awesome addition to the Phillies line up. We don't give up on our team and we certainly do not walk out of a World Series game just because our team is loosing. So keep talking trash and photoshopping pictures of Victorino in a tutu. It only makes our win that much sweeter.

    Now please continue spewing venom out of your mouth so the world may see the intelligence of some of the Yankee fans.

  • Amanda - 15 years ago

    are you really serious with that poll result??? After those articles in the post, the way you trashed our fans, our city and our world champion baseball team... I could not believe how many empty seats there were in the 8th inning. You new yorkers are awful!! How dare your older than dirt so-called dream team take us so lightly? Shame on you all! Take that!

  • Yank These A-Holes - 15 years ago

    What happened to all the bull shit you guys were writing yesterday? You all have your heads so far up your ass, you were looking past the Phillies for your 27th title. Well guess what, we are a BETTER team. You keep harping on the past history of the franchises, wake up and smell the coffee and live in todays times. Money can't buy you everything. So continue with your miserable snobby lives. PHUCK the YANKEES................WooooooooHoooooooooooo

  • boston phil - 15 years ago

    "the YANKEES have a PROVEN success record"

    really? you mean the Yankee team that gave up a humiliating 3-0 lead to my team 5 years ago and hasn't done anything since?

    how many current Yankees have a clue how to win a World Series? -- a small handful at best.

    how many current Phillies have proven they have what it takes to actually win a World Series? -- pretty much the entire team, and they've only improved since last year.

    it may be time to stop living off decades-old success and realize proven success means recent success, not the ancient history Yankee fans and apologists like to reminisce over.

    the proof is in the performance, and right now that doesn't point to the most over-paid, over-rated band of mercenaries ever assembled. it points to a team that's actually done it, no matter how insecure that makes NY fans feel.

    ah, whatever, i'm sure the die-hard Yankee fans will still be dissing the Phillies and talking about how great their team is a couple weeks from now when the Phillies and their fans are enjoying another championship parade.

  • Yankee FAN - 15 years ago

    screw the Phillies. . . the YANKEES have a PROVEN success record, the phillies? oh last year and. . . oh, not much. Got rings, yes, we do. it's not like the team who wins the first game will always win.

  • Philly Phanatic - 15 years ago

    Yeah guys, don't be jealous, it's just that the Phillies are a really good team, with really good players, AND they're showing it. If they can perform like this even semi-consistently, the Yankees are in big trouble.

  • Ed - 15 years ago

    Hey guys, not cool. Just cheer for your own team. I just think it's time for a Phillies World Series as compared to a Yankee one.

  • ed - 15 years ago

    ignore what I said I SUCK COCK PENIS phillies SUCK ASSSS

  • ed is a fucking retard - 15 years ago

    fuck you ed. phillies suck. yankees are americas TRUE team

  • Ed - 15 years ago

    Hey, Yankees have good players - not gonna say they suck or anything. But to me, personally, the Phillies are a great team, good teamwork, and as shown in the game, have exceptionally good players. I'm not gonna say Phillies in 4 or something obnoxious like that, but I'd bet my money on the Phillies. In the past 6 years, the team the wins the first game wins the series, so lets hope the pattern continues.

  • yeah, what phillies sucks said - 15 years ago

    yeah bacically the phillies suck. there fans suck to

  • YANKEES SHALL RISE AGAIN - 15 years ago


  • stupid - 15 years ago

    stupid phillies! YN Yanekes will always be number ! 1

  • CLIFF LEE IS A GOD - 15 years ago

    Phillies or no Phillies, you have to admit that Cliff Lee's performance was nothing short of amazing.

  • Pat - 15 years ago

    You New Yorkers have been way too arrogant for way too long. May I remind you that you weren't even in the Series last year? Do you remember who won the Series last year? So get over your arrogant selves -- the Phillies are a great team!

  • phillies, phuck them, they can suck my balls - 15 years ago

    phillies suck my balls

  • the_lonely_pirate - 15 years ago

    Yankees gotta pull it together. Ok, so Cliff Lee pitched well. Well, were the Yankees and nothing is gonna bring us down!!

  • Seamus - 15 years ago

    YEEAAHH BOOOYYY!!!!!!!!!!! PHILLIES IN 4!!!!!!!

  • Bob - 15 years ago

    I knew the Yankees were in trouble the moment I heard that they were in the Wolrd Series. They're taking the Phils too lightly. Rollins was wrong, it'll be the Phils in 4, not 5.

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