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Which downloadable characters do you want in Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2?

Total Votes: 8,738

  • Oraguebrareft - 13 years ago

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  • protov - 13 years ago

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  • psss454 - 14 years ago

    Lets do a 7 person dlc pack. its gonna obviously need a girl or two, so..
    1. Jubilee
    And now the men
    2. Blade
    3. Hawkeye
    4. Moon Knight
    5. Night Crawler
    6. War Machine
    7. Omega Red

  • andrew - 14 years ago

    no toxin on the list? toxin is ftw >.

  • Vincent Stauffer - 14 years ago

    Emma Frost
    Scarlet Witch

    Thoses are my picks.

  • il taglia - 14 years ago

    ghost rider, blade, toxin, antivenom, punisher cyclops, nova, hawk eye

  • PUNISHER - 14 years ago

    people think the punisher should be in it, but i think he is too bad ass to join a team. they should make him a boss that both sides have to fight because he thinks that the civil war is endangering the citizens of the world!!!

  • Normie - 15 years ago

    Since his Slingers team-mate Prodigy is in the running, how about considering Hornet too?

    Even though I'm very fond of this poll (even more so now you've added The Hood on my request), it has two slight flaws;

    1. it doesn't re-order the characters according to votes, making the ranking beyond cyclops, hawkeye and emma frost a chore to figure out and check on

    2. once you've voted, that's it - if anyone adds more extra options after (like you added The Hood for me) you can't vote for them as well

    Anyhey, I urge everyone who hasn't voted yet to click;

    Spider-Woman (most importantly)
    The Hood
    War Machine
    Ghost Rider
    and if he shows up, Hornet ;)

  • scorpio - 15 years ago

    u shld add Toxin if uve gt anti venom on the list!
    Also, what about doctor octopus?

  • Odiscess - 15 years ago

    i think they need more symbiots

  • TheWhiteKing - 15 years ago


  • Myrryr - 15 years ago

    Mr. Sinister - Awesome villian to add in
    Silver Surfer - Srsly, Surfer. He's just win.
    She-Hulk - A strong character that isn't a walking muscle, would be nice to have.
    Nightcrawler - Teleport and wisecrack fun!
    Dr. Strange - Because he's just a character that you can do anything with.
    Mystique - I have no idea how you could make her balanced in this game, but if you could, it would be seriously awesome.

  • Gorbeh - 15 years ago

    I'll add Hyperion.

    Also the devs have ruled out any size changing characters so no Wasp, Ant-Man, Giant Man, Yellowjacket, Goliath, etc.

  • noe - 15 years ago

    omfg!!! NO HYPERION????

  • Jason Hojenski - 15 years ago


  • Will Herrington - 15 years ago

    Colossus, Hawkeye, Nova, BLack Widow, Dr. Pym (from the WCA )

  • Scorpio66 - 15 years ago

    Also, Ant Man, aka Hank Pym, Would be a kl addition and i think he really deserves to be a contender based on the fact he was one of the founding members of the Avengers!

  • Gorbeh - 15 years ago

    Vicarious Visions doesn't have the rights to the Punisher (Zen Studios does) so there is no chance of him being in MUA2 otherwise he'd already be in.

  • Spectre - 15 years ago

    How is The Punisher not on this list? He at least had a role in the Civil War storyline.

  • Scorpio66 - 15 years ago

    Anti Venom would be awesome, as it could also appease those who were peeved that Venon wasnt Eddie Brock, and allow Eddie to finally make it to the game, but what about Toxin, hed be kl too!

  • Marvellover - 15 years ago

    I would enjoy more Alpha Flight and Winter Guard members.

  • Marvellover - 15 years ago

    I would enjoy more Alpha Flight and Winter Guard members.

  • Dylan Thomason - 15 years ago

    Ghost Rider
    War Machine
    Spider Woman

    perfect dlc

  • DudeBrahAngel - 15 years ago

    Black Widow
    Scarlet Witch

  • Normie - 15 years ago

    you forgot THE HOOD!

  • archer9234 - 15 years ago

    Jessica is the first Spider-Woman. Julia isn't.

  • archer9234 - 15 years ago

    War Machine was in Marvel Vs. Capcom 2, as a separate character.

  • Alex Buckman - 15 years ago

    Emma Frost.
    Moon Knight.
    Shehulk (put her in a team with Deadpool and watch the fourth wall shatter!). :lol: :lol: :lol:
    War Machine (when is he ever going to appear in a game and not as a skin?).
    Super Skrull.

    I'd also like to have Silver Sable.
    Sadly, they never use the REAL Spiderwoman (Julia Carpenter), so I didn't vote for that one.

  • Robert Thomspon - 15 years ago

    These characters would be a solid set.

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