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Which nationwide carrier do you think offers the best deal in regards to price plans?

Total Votes: 1,379

  • Steve - 15 years ago

    Sprint by far,now they have a great line up of phones and coverage is very good. Price is awesome I was with AT&T for years before switching to Sprint.

  • TriNiBull3T - 15 years ago

    Spring because for $70 you get everything... tmobile's $70 only gives you talk txt and web... with sprint you also get gps and sprint tv.

    At&t and verizon is more costly for just txt and internet, yet alone gps and tv

  • silvio - 15 years ago

    if you can call any one on any network ill pay more for that

  • David - 15 years ago

    How is this a comparison. The question asks about rate plans not coverage or phones. Tmobile is the cheapest in every aspect.

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