Do you think the government mishandled the swine flu vaccination process?


  • Dr. J. K. Malcolm - 15 years ago

    With the death yesterday of an asthmatic who contracted the H1N1 officials and especially news reporters were acting surprised but apologetic for the unfortunate death of a beautiful person. However, the EU warned months ago that severe asthmatics would be at great risk - in otherwords "likely to die" should they contract H1N1. Although in secondary high risk groupings in most provinces because of the debacle in flu shot availability, asthmatics and other chronic respiratory illness were not eligible for the shots. I am a lifelong asthmatic and as of today (November 11) no shot is available for any asthmatic (unless they are pregnant) in New Brunswick. The mishandling of this H1N1 vaccination procedure in my opinion makes Health Canada entirely liable for this poor asthmatics unfortunate death. If she had an H1N1 shot in a reasonable advance time she would be alive today.

  • Garry Leech - 15 years ago

    As I understand it, the WHO did not understand what strain of vaccine was required prior to April of this year. Was there ever any chance that there were enough manufacturing facilities in the world to make enough vaccine to innoculate the entire world's population to minimize the effects of this virus? or are we just spinning our wheels in a panic over something that we don't understand and can do nothing about?

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