Should the Yankees pitch around Chase Utley and take their chances with Ryan Howard?


  • daddy yankee - 15 years ago

    @Big Daddy>>>He gets hit a lot because he cheats inside the plate, he's literally on top of the plate, I'm surprised he hasn't gotten called out for doing that!!! As far as Howard is concerned, it's a little too late for him to start doing something now!

    @Rita Waldron>>>Getting plunked is part of a strategy, it shouldn't be personal or malicious, unlike Pedro who did it to the Yankees during his haydays. He either went for the hands or the head, and he was especially proud of it if he did it to the Yankees, that I don't understand!!!

    @Alicia>>>Utley is slick...check out the hairstyle!!! If he gets hit a lot, then maybe he should back off the plate a little bit!!! The Yankees wouldn't have to keep going to the mound if the Phillies weren't so good at stealing signs!!! It's a good strategy I guess, but if you have to steal signs to get a hit, that's a little low. But hey, it's the Phillies so I guess we can't expect any better!!!

  • Big Daddy - 15 years ago

    Wow...check the stats, Boomer...Chase Utley has led the majors for the last three years in being HBP. Yeah, that will slow him down...

    Go right ahead and throw at him...perhaps that will wake up Howard...not something you want to see happen...

  • Rita Waldron - 15 years ago

    There is no classier baseball player than Chase Utley. He certainly does not deserve to be hit with a pitch. If that is all the Yankees have to win against the Phils, shame, shame, shame.

    GO PHILS !

  • EBZ - 15 years ago

    GAME 7 IS IN NY genius... Yanks should peg utley a nice one , after hitting arod 3 times... bastards...


  • Alicia - 15 years ago

    Wow! Lets hit Chase what a way to win! Isn't that why you are mad at Pedro because he hit your batter then your old man coach Zimmerman ran out to attack him and now you Skankee fans are mad at is hysterical that now you find it ok to hit a batter! I am sure the umpires are not stupid especially with a hot hitter like Chase....Do you know Chase was one of the top batters hit over the season? Does it look like it phases him? Play the game Yankees and do try to not go to the mound 18 times in a game we want to get some rest for game 7 here in Philly!

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