Do you think our local TV weather forecasters should mention how Global Warming might be affecting our Missouri weather?


  • Spencer - 15 years ago

    Human contribution to greenhouse gas emissions and global warming is negligible when compared to volcanic eruptions, livestock, and other natural occurrences. I agree that we should do what we can to lessen the increase in the human contribution, but we need to be realistic and honest. Al Bore's "The Sky is Falling" movie wasn't honest, but I give him credit that it had a positive effect on the masses beginning to pay attention to lessening our polluting ways. Let's continue to reduce our effects as is reasonable. I agree with Paul, if we lose more manufacturing in the U.S. than we already have, our future is grim.

  • Paul Altnether - 15 years ago

    First of all you are a little behind the times, it is no longer called “Global Warming” but it is now “Climate Change” (the warming part could really not be substantiated, hence the name change). Anytime you politicize science it is because there is someone out there about to make a bundle of money on the so called science. Always follow the money trail and you can usually find the real reason behind the proposed legislation. Just as in the case of the proposed “Cap and Trade” legislation. This bill will not clean our air but it will create a tax on carbon emissions that will create a money stream for the government. If this “Cap and Trade” legislation is enacted you will be signing the death certificate for many types of manufacturing still left in this country. As I’m sure you realize the real worth of a country is in what it produces. This includes natural resources developed, food we grow, or products we manufacture; and we are losing worth and real wealth everyday because of the belief in flawed science.

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