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Which proposed design for a refurbished Whale Watch opposite the Copa shops do you prefer?

Total Votes: 75

  • Bernadine Mitchell - 14 years ago

    I support Adams design and woulkd like to point out that the Copacabana BushCare group would not support any proposal that has a board walk through dunes such as in Elaine Norlings design.To put a path through this area would totally disturb an area that is crucial in creating a stable dune system.To put footings into this area ,which is needed for a pathway would obliterate all the vegetation. It would also open up this area to more rubbish thrown into the dunes. The pathway would serve little purpose and be destructive to the dune environment.I hope Elaine will not be upset about these criticisms as I know she is very conscious of preserving our environment.

  • Fraser - 15 years ago

    I like Elaines design - the council design was OK in that it had a whale shape incorporated into the paving. What we need is a simple but effective design that is resistant to damage by the elements and people. Developing the area between the platform and the SLSC is also a good idea.

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