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8. Who was the radio personality of the decade? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 15,467

  • Paceman - 14 years ago

    Of course Howard is No.1, but only 2 % between him and Seacrest??? That's nothing short of an outrage!
    Compare an innovator with an announcer who is more interested in how his hair looks than his content??? Get a grip, guys...

  • Larry3570 - 14 years ago

    Is this a vote on who is on the most stations and beats the same confrontational drum the longest, or who was the most influential, innovative, creative, noteworthy and made the most significan changes to the broadcasting industry?

    It certianly seems to me that Howard Stern is the most influential radio personality of this decade as well as the last decade or two of the 1900's. He changed the radio game as the pioneer of syndication, invented the format of just talking (no music, news, traffic, games, etc) and making political and social comentary, and was was constantly #1 in the much more challenging AM drive period (Rush, there's no competition in midday, a chimp could be high in the ratings) during his days on terrestrial radio, first in one city at a time and then as syndicated even though he was only syndicated into a few markets...nothing close to the 600+ Rush now is in as syndication has become common. I wonder if Rush is #1 in any major market? It's one thing to be syndicated into 600+ markets (many of them small) and then add up the total. It's quite another to be #1 in NY, and Philly, and DC, and Chicago, and LA, and a few others ALL AT ONCE! Howard Stern is also among the very few radio personalities that is known worldwide! Working in Dubai, Qatar, Europe and Singapore I've had discussions with others about Howard's show that day thanks to hearing Sirius on the interset or over a 3G phone.

    Rush Limbaugh used to be a lame-o Top 40 jock who went under the name of Jumpin' Jeff Christie but was repeatedly fired from stations. He was in trouble for drug use ant there have been allegations of innapropriate behavior with young boys outside the US. He has not made any significant breakthroughs in the industry (posibally the first to mock a Parkinson's desease sufferer on the air?); he's just pandered to the baseest leanings of conservatives. Howard Stern appeals to the masses, both left and right as well as inventing many new broadcast concepts.

    Seems like a no-brainer.

  • Nicoya - 14 years ago

    Please!!! Howard Stern is the most influential radio personality of this decade AND last century! He changed the game, changed the rules, was was constantly #1 during his days on terrestrial radio across the country. Howard Stern is probably the only radio personality that is know worldwide! I'm an ex-pat living in Nicaragua. Ask someone who Rush Limbaugh is and they'll scratch their head. Ask someone who Howard Stern is and they'll crack a smile (E! Entertainment anyone?). Rush Limbaugh used to be some lamo Top 40 DJ who went under the name of Jeff Christi. left-wing radio personalities? Most of these nuts ripped off right-wing radio personalities from the 90s. Where's the originality? Howard Stern appeals to the masses, both left and right. #1 book (Twice), #1 movie, #1 radio show.

  • Nicoya - 14 years ago

    Please!!! Howard Stern is the most influential radio personality of this decade AND last century! He changed the game, changed the rules, was was constantly #1 during his days on terrestrial radio across the country. Howard Stern is probably the only radio personality that is know worldwide! I'm an ex-pat living in Nicaragua. Ask someone who Rush Limbaugh is and they'll scratch their head. Ask someone who Howard Stern is and they'll crack a smile (E! Entertainment anyone?). Rush Limbaugh used to be some lamo Top 40 DJ who went under the name of Jeff Christi. left-wing radio personalities? Most of these nuts ripped off right-wing radio personalities from the 90s. Where's the originality? Howard Stern appeals to the masses, both left and right. #1 book (Twice), #1 movie, #1 radio show.

  • KenEsq - 14 years ago

    A bababoooie to you all! Howard Stern is by far and away the radio broadcaster of the decade...if not the last three decades.

  • Charles - 14 years ago

    Mr. Kerwin writes

    "If there is some sort of repugnant, draconian law aimed at interfering with our individual freedom to live as we would want, you can bet a Republican has introduced it"

    You must be talking about how every time legislation comes up to get rid of or subvert the 2nd amendment it is a DEMOCRAT introducing it. Keep in mind that without the 2nd amendment you will never hold on to the first.

  • nino Baldino - 14 years ago

    Is this supposed to be a compliment for this Rush fellow..since this nation is rushing headlong into a left wing dictatorship,Limburger is hardly influential now is he? Just a blow hard who neuralizes the women folk who are home and tune him in..soap operas are no longer on radio and this phony fulls the bill..with his whining and name calling and self pity...enjoy...Nino

  • Buck N Farack - 14 years ago

    Someone asked; why no lib radio personalities. Easy they are BOARING!!! They whine, moan and live in their stupid idyllic world and besides, the audience for such clap trap are too stoned or stupid to listen.
    Did anyone ever listen (more than once) to Radio America? What crap!
    I'm glad Big Al (suck you money) Gore lost $$ on that deal.

  • Bill - 14 years ago

    Just goes to show that an obese, foulmouthed drug addict can still make it in the US of A.

  • naypalm - 14 years ago

    Sean Kennedy FTW!!!!

  • Kathy - 14 years ago

    I just can't believe that Rush did not have the most votes. Love, Love, Love him.

  • Carolyn - 14 years ago

    Bubba The Love Sponge ........ ROCKS!!!!!!

  • Kathy - 14 years ago

    This was a hard decision between Rush and Glenn. I love both of them. I did vote for Glenn because he is newer. I bet CNN hates that hey have lost their best talents to the number one rated News show. Hahahaha, I love it. Come on Fox, hire Lou Dobbs, love him too.

  • laura - 14 years ago

    Amy Goodman, really? not on the list??

  • iPod User since 2002 - 14 years ago

    Radio is a dinosaur medium. Only the old and the foolish would believe it is still relavant.

  • Matthew Kerwin - 14 years ago

    How is it that the right wing fascists that control the media are able to convince people that there is a liberal bias in the media?

    By the way, there is a significant difference between "liberal" and "progressive", but the right wing purposely confuses the two so as to make their fascist agenda seem "moderate".

    Did you know that since the Reformation, perhaps, through WWll, "liberal' meant freedom from government -- the U.S. Constitution was and is a significant liberal document in that it gave political power to the people, rather than a king, and imposed severe limits on even a democratic government. The Europeans tried an extreme liberalism after WWl, but the failure of any controls on the economy led to the idea that totalitarianism (essentially a return to the idea of a supreme leader) would not be so bad. Events proved them wrong, obviously; and Europe turned to constitutional controls on democratic governments and stiff market controls.

    I have yet to figure out what the right wing wants. They spout liberalism (calling it conservatism) but favor party politics over practicallity, kowtow to the religious extremists whom, if they were Muslim rather than "Christian". would be calling for their expulsion from the continent, generally favor spending money on war than on American infrastructure. If there is some sort of repugnant, draconian law aimed at interfering with our individual freedom to live as we would want, you can bet a Republican has introduced it (and the Democrats fall in line fearing to lose the votes of people who won't vote for them anyway) yet the Republicans fight and lie and conspire to assure that mild and necessary economic controls are deep sixed. So they are extremely liberal on the economy (except in giving government support to certian corporations), extremely totalitarian when it comes to individual rights, and outright fascist in their use of the media to control the message, right down to twisting the meaning of words.

  • Cole - 14 years ago

    Cenk Uygur of "The Young Turks" !

  • Dave K - 14 years ago

    Yeah, you left out the left!

    1. Thom Hartmann
    2. Rachel Maddow
    3. Al Franken
    4. Randi Rhodes

    are my top's for the last decade.

  • Bobwilkins - 14 years ago

    And yet the right has Beck, somebody who's made a career out of crying.

  • stoobydoo - 14 years ago

    ha, the left just never quits crying about anything, even a stupid poll like this.

  • Calabahn - 14 years ago

    What a group of right wing losers. Why no Shannyn Moore?

  • Rufus - 14 years ago

    How is Ira Glass nowhere to be found?!?!?

  • Debbie - 14 years ago

    Bob Dylan!!

  • Zachyadam - 14 years ago

    Peter Sagal FTW!

  • zetec - 14 years ago


  • Facemelt - 14 years ago

    Agreed, a bit biased much? I suppose if you are looking at just raw number of listeners then granted that list is acurate, but its best, not most listened to category. There are markets where there are better radio personalities and different topics, aside from politics. Something smells fishy.

  • Marty - 14 years ago

    Why almost no left-wing commentators? This list reads like a Fox News nightly lineup.

    Rachel Maddow, baby.

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