Shut Down the Bay Bridge?

1 Comment

  • noah - 15 years ago

    What, are you serious? 82% of people who voted for one of the two real options think that the Bay Bridge should be shut down??? Are you all nuts? Because one prof. says that the bridge is too dangerous, a prof. who bases that view largely on the preventable accidents at the S-Curve?

    I mean, if his argument were that the bridge is certainly going to fall down, that would be one thing, but even he admits that there is only a risk of that result. And he doesn't address the future fixes they are going to make at all.

    Yet 82% of "serious" voters (serious is in quotes, because anybody who thinks they should shut down the bridge is certainly not a serious person) think the bridge should be closed indefinitely.

    This is what's wrong with SF.

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