Why do relatively few BigLaw associates attend my public seminars in the U.S.?
Associates are too busy, or too paranoid about not being busy, to spend a day away from the office doing continuing legal education. They increasingly get their outside CLE online.
Law firms are still wrestling with an oversupply of associates, so spending money to have outsiders train them isn't a high priority. And your seminars aren't cheap, unless you're a West subscriber.
Law-firm partners think that they can handle internally the task of training their associates how to draft clearer contracts.
Law-firm partners think that you don't need to train lawyers how to draft clearer contracts, as the traditional process has served everyone well.
Associates think that you don't need to train lawyers how to draft clearer contracts, as the traditional process has served everyone well.
Associates are unaware that there's an alternative to the traditional process.
Associates want to draft contracts the way partners expect them to draft contracts. Doing things differently would risk antagonizing partners.
Whatever the merits of the seminar, spending a day pondering contract language is not an appealing prospect.
Law firms get their contract-drafting CLE from the Practising Law Institute, never mind that PLI offers something very different.
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