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What Percentage of Our Body Would Have To Be Replaced Before We Ceased Being Human?

Total Votes: 6,513

  • Ning - 15 years ago

    Is Barack Obama black or is he white?

  • Paul S - 15 years ago

    There are really two separate questions. What is percentage for a BIOLOGICAL human, and what is the percentage for a LEGAL human. If you have your lower legs replaced by small electrical cart that can do 30mph for 10 hrs, and up to 50mph max for small sprints, you can't compete in the human Olympics, but you are still a legal human. If you do a total upload to a full robot brain and body or a VR system, you are still LEGALLY human, but you still lose some of your human rights. You can''t be "murdered" if a tech shuts off your brain for a day for hardware maintenance. Inconvenient yes, and a likely legal case if unscheduled or a accident. But you are not legally dead when shut down to do a yearly check of your hardware. Loosing the last week of memories are a financial issue when you can reload from a backup. It gets even more tricky when you consider genetic manipulation. How human is someone who has been genetically altered for near perfect health, with upgrades for higher IQ, faster reactions, better strength? I think we will end up with 3 categories, Stock Human, Normal Human (which shifts and expands over time) and legal human.

  • Eduard - 15 years ago

    I agree with Andrew so I am not voting.
    As for Baradenex. If we will be able to make a program that would do everything exactly like you would not it mean that you are already a program just running on a biological computer?

  • Bradenex - 15 years ago

    You guys are idiots. What you are describing is software, not human. If software could emulate humanity to exactness (which it never will), it would still be software. The brain IS our consciousness. Without that we are programs.

  • Ned - 15 years ago

    I third what Andrew said. If non-tissue replaced every molecule of the human, but the human function remain, then you are still human.

  • Alex - 15 years ago

    I second what Andrew said. There is no need for a human body, being human is purely consciousness.

  • Andrew Lewis - 15 years ago

    You don't even need a shred of tissue. If you started human, you're always human no matter what form you're in.

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