How did we ever elect this inexperienced man as the president of the United of the United States. God help us for the next 3 years.
fred - 15 years ago
i almost voted present on this one. but went with the curtsey. i hope my liberal left wont be mad.
kmarie - 15 years ago
Obama knows nothing about the economy, the military, or healthcare and yet he dithers on displaying his ignorance. And so many don,t seem to realize he is an empty suit. Post Fort Hood he had no idea what to do. I don't think he realized he was supposed to do something. He also knows nothing about leadership. To make it simple, he doesn,t seem to know much.
khacha - 15 years ago
Barry O is the gift that keeps on giving.
Dave - 15 years ago
It is amazing that millions of Americans voted for this bozo.
J Lessig - 15 years ago
The fact the Obama did not see the need to go to Fort Hood immediately was the top disgrace of, even for Obama, a very notable week of disgraces. As he decides to vote "present" rather than take action as the Commander-In-Chief, it becomes more and more apparent that we have a President who has been found wanting.
His speech at Fort Hood was full of empty rhetoric and did not even dare to address the very probable possibility that this was a "terrorist" act, not someone suffering from "pre-PTSS" as his sychophants try to give this incompetent cover.
Mr. President, the GDP number represents growth quarter over quarter. We are still down 10% over 1 year ago. Unemployment is in double digits, goverment spending is out-of-control, unfunded commitments in the first 9 months exceed all previous Presidents combined (an est. National Debt of $22-23T), the auto industry is now essentially run by the government, our financial system is in shambles, the dollar is being dangerously devalued, and we haven't even factored in a "government health insurance" or "cap and trade" into the equation.
Yet, it is always someone else's fault. Somehow the rhetoric of "Save or Created jobs" or claims that the economy was "saved from the brink" or the shear magnitude of an Obama speech cannot convince the country that what is being offered is nothing more than snake oil.
A great deal of opinion was given on Sarah Palin and her lack of experience. What about experience that consists of a career of commnunity activism, the only notable executive leadership consisting of the disasterous Annenberg Project, post-birth abortion legislation, ties to domestic terrorists, 20 years of listening to a black separatist preacher, and not one, but two self-absorbed autobiographies? Now what in that background would tell us that Obama was capable of holding the highest office in the land? He was never vetted by our media and we now pay the price for it.
As the Obamateurisms continue to grow from one week to the next, when will the rest of the country come to realize the huge mistake that was made in electing someone so unworthy?
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How did we ever elect this inexperienced man as the president of the United of the United States. God help us for the next 3 years.
i almost voted present on this one. but went with the curtsey. i hope my liberal left wont be mad.
Obama knows nothing about the economy, the military, or healthcare and yet he dithers on displaying his ignorance. And so many don,t seem to realize he is an empty suit. Post Fort Hood he had no idea what to do. I don't think he realized he was supposed to do something. He also knows nothing about leadership. To make it simple, he doesn,t seem to know much.
Barry O is the gift that keeps on giving.
It is amazing that millions of Americans voted for this bozo.
The fact the Obama did not see the need to go to Fort Hood immediately was the top disgrace of, even for Obama, a very notable week of disgraces. As he decides to vote "present" rather than take action as the Commander-In-Chief, it becomes more and more apparent that we have a President who has been found wanting.
His speech at Fort Hood was full of empty rhetoric and did not even dare to address the very probable possibility that this was a "terrorist" act, not someone suffering from "pre-PTSS" as his sychophants try to give this incompetent cover.
Mr. President, the GDP number represents growth quarter over quarter. We are still down 10% over 1 year ago. Unemployment is in double digits, goverment spending is out-of-control, unfunded commitments in the first 9 months exceed all previous Presidents combined (an est. National Debt of $22-23T), the auto industry is now essentially run by the government, our financial system is in shambles, the dollar is being dangerously devalued, and we haven't even factored in a "government health insurance" or "cap and trade" into the equation.
Yet, it is always someone else's fault. Somehow the rhetoric of "Save or Created jobs" or claims that the economy was "saved from the brink" or the shear magnitude of an Obama speech cannot convince the country that what is being offered is nothing more than snake oil.
A great deal of opinion was given on Sarah Palin and her lack of experience. What about experience that consists of a career of commnunity activism, the only notable executive leadership consisting of the disasterous Annenberg Project, post-birth abortion legislation, ties to domestic terrorists, 20 years of listening to a black separatist preacher, and not one, but two self-absorbed autobiographies? Now what in that background would tell us that Obama was capable of holding the highest office in the land? He was never vetted by our media and we now pay the price for it.
As the Obamateurisms continue to grow from one week to the next, when will the rest of the country come to realize the huge mistake that was made in electing someone so unworthy?