Should all hand guns be banned?


  • michael - 15 years ago

    guns do not kill people, people kill people and by the way if they ban handguns they can pry it from my cold dead hand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • ZZMike - 15 years ago

    Stephen: Handguns may be illegal in Formerly Great Britain, but your crime rate is way up.

    When handguns are banned, only criminals will have them. (And the police - in my country.)

  • Stephen - 15 years ago

    I live in Britain where handguns are illegal. I can think of no reason, no reason at all, that handguns should be made legal.

    In the case of the United States no matter how many lives having a gun may save I can only wonder how many more would be saved if there were no guns.

    I realise that guns don't kill people, people kill people. But, and it's a big but, guns make it a lot easier to kill people.


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