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Do you think the government knew that Afghan detainees would be tortured if turned over to Afghan authorities?

Total Votes: 539

  • Geo - 15 years ago

    None of this surprises me. The Harper Party covers like cats every time they make a mess. Which is regularly and often. Remember O'Conner's kick at the can as defense minister (so well suited for the job after being a military lobbyist or arms salesman or whatever for years).

    May 2007 O'Conner stood in the house and lied, day after day, that the Red Cross was monitoring the Afghan prisoners that Canadian Forces brought in to be held. Everyone in opposition was telling him no way, I think his briefing notes were leaked and they said it wasn't happening, human-rights groups said no and the Red Cross called in again and said no, it would undermine their mandate. And still O'Conner and the Cons lied and lied, as they had been doing since before they were elected and as they have ever since.

    They can't help themselves. It's some weird genetic thing I think.

  • Pierre Vandelac - 15 years ago

    Sadly, it fits not only the PM's profile, but also that of the upper echelons of the military and the security and police forces.
    That "club" does what needs to be done; the rest of us need not know.
    As said: sadly, I'm not surprised.
    MP's being the first ones to be worried about public opinion should muscle their way into using the Commons to vote with the people and their conscience.

  • Brian in Vancouver - 15 years ago

    I feel confident that harper and his gang knew what was going on, but did not really care about it, as long as it could be concealed. The only things I feel I can count on them for is to lie to our faces, to say what ever it takes to discredit credible people, and to blame the liberals for anything that ever does or has gone wrong.

    These people (conservatives) refuse to be accountable for anything, and their entire platform appears to be how bad everyone else is. They have even completely compromised their values to continue to hold the ropes. I don't see that there is anything positve about harper or his party. Putting everyone down to make one's self look better is exactly how mother told me not to behave.

  • Diane - 15 years ago

    Peter McKay promised the House to look into this matter and promised to get back to them. Not getting back to the house is a good indication that they knew the situation and concealed this information from Canadian Citizens. This is not the Canada I thought it was. We now condone torture.

  • Ruth Mossop - 15 years ago

    If they didn't, they should have.

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