1st of all we'll sure be burnt due to the friction on falling towards it..
if we happen to reach the black hole we'll be crushed instantly like nish said.
nish - 14 years ago
You would never know as you would be crushed instantly.
Lights would go out because the ship will be crushed to destruction.
blake - 14 years ago
you would be torn apart right as you hit the event horizon
It would go dark because when you enter a blackhole the power of your ship won't be able to connect to the Earth satellites and the ship would just stand in the black darkness with no connection to Earth's satellites causing the ship to no more power use unless you somehow escape out of the blackhole.
Emma Fitzgerald - 14 years ago
I have an extreme theory. YOU MIGHT WANNA REALLY HEAR THIS! I have done a fair amount of research on black holes in my life, trying to unlock the strange mystery covering their unique force. I have also studied theories of armageddon and the last days. I HAVE FINALLY FOUND THE SECRET TO ALL OF THIS, INCLUDING THE MAYANS' SECRETS OF KNOWLAGE!!!!!! wELL TO LEARN HOW i DID IT, AND KEPT MY SECRETS FROM THE GOVERNMENT, EMAIL ME AT emgirl55 AT yahoo.ca
cooper - 14 years ago
is light realy afectid by gravity at all in the first place. even if the gravitationel pole was vary intens light could escape, this says that a black hole may not even be a hole at all, infat what if the black hole is anti gravity pushing evry thing to the sides of it making evrything closer to gether, how do we Know if itas even cefferical , as far as we know we could be in a black hole right now (pardon my speling)
none - 14 years ago
Actually the word "whole" above should have been "hole" ...sorry. back to the initial point. You would not see any light were you to be inside of a black hole unless you were just entering the black hole. Once deep inside everything would be departiclized and there would be nothing but a "constant huming noise or a high pitched singular note" (if you could hear) as there would be no contest as to the alpha dog of power. That is to say, the black hole would be swirling so fast and be so powerful that nothing could remain rigid enough to create friction or inertia problems. A planet would be like koolaid going down a sink drain. As for seeing light while inside? You would not! Although, you would be totally surrounded by light. Light in the high ultra-violet range. Our eyes can only see in the "rainbow spectrum" and a black hole would be spinning so fast and creating so much energy (proven by the ability to decimate planets and stars etc. with extreme ease) that it's frequency would have to be ocillating i the HUV range. which would (with a HUV filter) appear.......as pure white. You can see a few examples here http://hubblesite.org/gallery/album/query/black%20hole/pr1992027a/ ...but then in reality you would be departiclized as well and would see nor hear a thing.
none - 14 years ago
I think that a black whole is only one visible side of a huge toroid. One side to take in imploded or exploded stars or dead planets or celestial debris and suck it into the opening of the balck hole and then departicleizes it and spits it out the other side purified ready to be re-used as workable energy. A big trash compacter, if you will that heats and destroys matter and configures it, with white hot passion into a new reusable source of energy for the universe. i am not a recyclist or a tree huger, and i dont even recycle. But I believe this is what a black hole really is. It's a re-processor of wayward planets, stars and debris. Maybe God does recycle in a way, I don't but maybe he does.
nethra with sushmita - 15 years ago
summer - 15 years ago
are all the people leaving comments scientists??
been - 15 years ago
when space is crushed, light is bent by means of photons being pulled faster and further apart, this would alter time in an unexplainable way. so unless ur space ship has a reverse time dilation field? u would not see wat was coming lol. if u had one the black hole would have no effect basicly stop time in a bubble
an that is a good question where dose it all go after every atom is crushed its energy pulled out faster than it can explode an the time ripped out of it so it seses to excist an in that moment what just nothing i dont belive that for 1
John Spoonts - 15 years ago
Seeing as space is being sucked into a black hole at speeds faster than light, if you were sucked in as well and somehow were not vaporized while passing through the event horizon the lights would not stay on or off. Instead, since you are going faster than the speed of light, everything in your indestructible space ship would turn grey or loose it's color. So while you read it would be grey and light but not color would be present.
professer P. Poopypaints - 15 years ago
you would be smashed into a mircroscapic ball and squished in with everything else that happened to fall victum as you have
nikhil - 15 years ago
I think if one does fall in a black hole or a singularity(neglecting the effects of the tidal forces that would rip him apart)
he'd be able to see everything that's inside the black hole. The black holes as we know them ,do not have an end and they keep absorbing whatever they come across. There must be light absorbed in these singularities since billions of yrs which may also tell him of the past.He'd also be able to see the hawking radiation as he goes past the event horizon.
karl - 15 years ago
eventually you would die, because black hole has a strong gravity... and even light cant escape from it.. i think
its connected to other dimension?
thats just what i thinking of..
Gil Reynolds - 15 years ago
First you don't fall into a black hole. It is not a hole in space. It is an area of super compact gravity that distorts space to a singularity. Now to the question of if the lights stay on in the ship. Once you cross the event horizon, you have 1 1/1000th of a nansecond to see the lights, catch your breath, and ponder the ill advised mistake you made as you are pulled apart particle by particle.
Gil Reynolds - 15 years ago
First you don't fall into a black hole. It is not a holein space. It is an area of super compact gravity that distorts space to a singularity. Now to the question of if the lights stay on in the ship. Once you cross the event horizon, you have 1 1/1000th of a nansecond to see the lights, catch your breath, and ponder the ill advised mistake you made as you are pulled apart particle by particle.
ethan taylor - 15 years ago
you wouldnt see anything because the immense gravity wont let light move and you would be crushed anyway
Charles Stephens - 15 years ago
Well, yes and no, what would happen is the you would see would only come from outside the hole. No light would come from the center of the black hole, as they would be kept from traveling to you. Of course all off this would only happen IF you somehow manage to avoid spaghettification.
me - 15 years ago
Would it not also depend upon which way you are looking? Into the hole, away from it or parallel to it?
steve - 15 years ago
How about that not only can the light from your light source never reach your eyes if either you or it cross the event horizon first, but that before you reach the event horizon you are blinded by fast-moving superheated rotating gases as they spiral into the event horizon as well?
1st of all we'll sure be burnt due to the friction on falling towards it..
if we happen to reach the black hole we'll be crushed instantly like nish said.
You would never know as you would be crushed instantly.
Lights would go out because the ship will be crushed to destruction.
you would be torn apart right as you hit the event horizon
It would go dark because when you enter a blackhole the power of your ship won't be able to connect to the Earth satellites and the ship would just stand in the black darkness with no connection to Earth's satellites causing the ship to no more power use unless you somehow escape out of the blackhole.
I have an extreme theory. YOU MIGHT WANNA REALLY HEAR THIS! I have done a fair amount of research on black holes in my life, trying to unlock the strange mystery covering their unique force. I have also studied theories of armageddon and the last days. I HAVE FINALLY FOUND THE SECRET TO ALL OF THIS, INCLUDING THE MAYANS' SECRETS OF KNOWLAGE!!!!!! wELL TO LEARN HOW i DID IT, AND KEPT MY SECRETS FROM THE GOVERNMENT, EMAIL ME AT emgirl55 AT yahoo.ca
is light realy afectid by gravity at all in the first place. even if the gravitationel pole was vary intens light could escape, this says that a black hole may not even be a hole at all, infat what if the black hole is anti gravity pushing evry thing to the sides of it making evrything closer to gether, how do we Know if itas even cefferical , as far as we know we could be in a black hole right now (pardon my speling)
Actually the word "whole" above should have been "hole" ...sorry. back to the initial point. You would not see any light were you to be inside of a black hole unless you were just entering the black hole. Once deep inside everything would be departiclized and there would be nothing but a "constant huming noise or a high pitched singular note" (if you could hear) as there would be no contest as to the alpha dog of power. That is to say, the black hole would be swirling so fast and be so powerful that nothing could remain rigid enough to create friction or inertia problems. A planet would be like koolaid going down a sink drain. As for seeing light while inside? You would not! Although, you would be totally surrounded by light. Light in the high ultra-violet range. Our eyes can only see in the "rainbow spectrum" and a black hole would be spinning so fast and creating so much energy (proven by the ability to decimate planets and stars etc. with extreme ease) that it's frequency would have to be ocillating i the HUV range. which would (with a HUV filter) appear.......as pure white. You can see a few examples here http://hubblesite.org/gallery/album/query/black%20hole/pr1992027a/ ...but then in reality you would be departiclized as well and would see nor hear a thing.
I think that a black whole is only one visible side of a huge toroid. One side to take in imploded or exploded stars or dead planets or celestial debris and suck it into the opening of the balck hole and then departicleizes it and spits it out the other side purified ready to be re-used as workable energy. A big trash compacter, if you will that heats and destroys matter and configures it, with white hot passion into a new reusable source of energy for the universe. i am not a recyclist or a tree huger, and i dont even recycle. But I believe this is what a black hole really is. It's a re-processor of wayward planets, stars and debris. Maybe God does recycle in a way, I don't but maybe he does.
are all the people leaving comments scientists??
when space is crushed, light is bent by means of photons being pulled faster and further apart, this would alter time in an unexplainable way. so unless ur space ship has a reverse time dilation field? u would not see wat was coming lol. if u had one the black hole would have no effect basicly stop time in a bubble
an that is a good question where dose it all go after every atom is crushed its energy pulled out faster than it can explode an the time ripped out of it so it seses to excist an in that moment what just nothing i dont belive that for 1
Seeing as space is being sucked into a black hole at speeds faster than light, if you were sucked in as well and somehow were not vaporized while passing through the event horizon the lights would not stay on or off. Instead, since you are going faster than the speed of light, everything in your indestructible space ship would turn grey or loose it's color. So while you read it would be grey and light but not color would be present.
you would be smashed into a mircroscapic ball and squished in with everything else that happened to fall victum as you have
I think if one does fall in a black hole or a singularity(neglecting the effects of the tidal forces that would rip him apart)
he'd be able to see everything that's inside the black hole. The black holes as we know them ,do not have an end and they keep absorbing whatever they come across. There must be light absorbed in these singularities since billions of yrs which may also tell him of the past.He'd also be able to see the hawking radiation as he goes past the event horizon.
eventually you would die, because black hole has a strong gravity... and even light cant escape from it.. i think
its connected to other dimension?
thats just what i thinking of..
First you don't fall into a black hole. It is not a hole in space. It is an area of super compact gravity that distorts space to a singularity. Now to the question of if the lights stay on in the ship. Once you cross the event horizon, you have 1 1/1000th of a nansecond to see the lights, catch your breath, and ponder the ill advised mistake you made as you are pulled apart particle by particle.
First you don't fall into a black hole. It is not a holein space. It is an area of super compact gravity that distorts space to a singularity. Now to the question of if the lights stay on in the ship. Once you cross the event horizon, you have 1 1/1000th of a nansecond to see the lights, catch your breath, and ponder the ill advised mistake you made as you are pulled apart particle by particle.
you wouldnt see anything because the immense gravity wont let light move and you would be crushed anyway
Well, yes and no, what would happen is the you would see would only come from outside the hole. No light would come from the center of the black hole, as they would be kept from traveling to you. Of course all off this would only happen IF you somehow manage to avoid spaghettification.
Would it not also depend upon which way you are looking? Into the hole, away from it or parallel to it?
How about that not only can the light from your light source never reach your eyes if either you or it cross the event horizon first, but that before you reach the event horizon you are blinded by fast-moving superheated rotating gases as they spiral into the event horizon as well?