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Which Should Win Camera Of The Year? (Poll Closed)


  • Dawson Allen - 15 years ago

    I use Nikon now, because it looks better than the Canon. Canon needs a
    makeover in design. Plus Nikon is the better camera. The Nikon D3x is my
    dream camera.

  • Leroy Foster - 15 years ago

    About the Olympus E-P1....... Why not carry through with the original Olympus-Pen's vertical format ?

  • Samuel Jackson - 15 years ago

    once again this website boots many proper contenders out of the running by not even mentioning them!
    My vote would go to the Sony A850 for making the Full Frame DSLR extremely affordable!

  • Richard Mendales - 15 years ago

    Comparing these cameras is an apples-and-oranges task. Each does something uniquely well, but they are quite different. The Olympus weighs barely more than a point and shoot, and so can be taken anywhere, and the Canon is a new high among APS-C cameras. The Nikon, however, offers a new high in quality for full-frame pictures, and comes close to medium format resolution while keeping the flexibility of a 35mm-style body. I just wish Nikon would offer similar resolution at a more affordable price, as the D700 did for the D3.

  • Rajan Patil - 15 years ago

    I have used Olympus, Nikon and Fuji (S-5 pro) all along. Pen and Nikon D3 do not fascinate me for the work (studio/outdoor portraits) I do. The specs
    of Canon EOS7D are pushing me to defect to Canon ! Nikon (with their
    obsession for 12 mega pixel resolution in APSC) and their abnormally high
    (in India atleast) prices, must not blame me if I skip Nikon this time, and
    buy Canon EOS7D. I believe, considering everything else, among the three,viz., Nikon's D3, Olympus Pen and Canon's EOS7D, it is the 7-D that
    deserves the laurels ! I vote for Canon EOS7-D which, at base ISOs,
    may be equivalent to EOS 5-D-II as well..!

  • joshiwashi - 15 years ago

    The Olympus is so nice to carry around when not wanting to haul a dslr. Plus, the Art filters really are exceptionally fun to use. I vote for it.

  • Rich Reidel - 15 years ago

    I've used Olympus and Canon digital cameras for 9 years now , and use Canon professionally. I voted for Canon EOS D7 . canon led the digital game for a while their noise reduction is definately the best. The D7 has no competition for the money.

  • Peter K Burian - 15 years ago

    These are all fabulous cameras!!!

    But which one will go down in history?


  • supertech girl - 15 years ago

    The Olympus PEN....hands down the best new camera of 2009!

  • Jack - 15 years ago

    I'm an Olympus fan, and the E-P1 is amazing. I've been using it since July, an I love the size. When I don't feel like bringing my DSLR I'll just grab my Pen and go.

  • GopiM - 15 years ago

    D3X is by far the most innovative and powerful camera. I have seen some 40X50 prints during my trip to Maui and these looked like coming from a 8X10 camera. There is nothing like this camera in 35mm format. My vote is based on what gives the best picture and not who makes it small or puts more mega pixels in a small sensor.

  • dick graham - 15 years ago

    I agree with American Photo mag, there are winners in several categories. Despite your "lets get this test over with" approach to the Pentax k7, it was rightfully placed by American Photo as one of it's winners .

  • Bryan K - 15 years ago

    The e-p1 has stepped outside of the box and shown how beautiful a clever use of technology can be. AF may not be quick but its still alot faster then a rangefinder and alot cheaper too. "Beautiful" is an e-p1/2

  • ricbiker - 15 years ago

    il coraggio di innovare non essendo in competizione con i brand + affermati, non dovendo rispondere ai colpi dei paraconcorrenti riesce a proporre un prodotto decisamente nuovo e che aprirà la strada al formato evil

  • Natale Raco - 15 years ago

    Considero la scelta Olympus/Panasonic simile alla scelta negli anni 20 del secolo scorso analoga a quella fatta dalla Leitz con il formato Leica.
    Le Olympus E-P1 e P2 sono le Leica del XXI secolo.

  • Emilga - 15 years ago

    Although I use Nikon bodies and lenses, today I vote for Canon 7D because it put the APS size sensor to professional level. I think that the FF or FX format may be for studio or publisher photographers, but for journalist or events photographers, the DX or APS format is more practical, with small and lighter lenses, and image quality at same level.

  • NYCMike - 15 years ago

    First, to those that are saying Brand X is better than Brand Y, the reality is that for 95% of the photographers out there, all the major brands procude cameras that will give you stellar results. For the pros that fall into the 5%, that's the main area that one camera can give you a difference over another.

    I am a Canon shooter, have been for a long time. I bought a 7D recently, my fifth EOS body. Today I spent some time using my 7D for HD shooting, something that is, indeed, new and different. Yes, other cameras have it, but Canon has taken image (and video) processing to the next level. The ability to shoot amazing HD using my L-series lenses that I already know so well, has me excited over photography in a way that hasn't happened to me since I first went digital.

    This is a game-changing technology, and sure, next year every camera will have it. But right now, only a limited few do, and of those, the 7D does it best. Hands down. So for this year (and note that this is "Camera of the Year", not "Camera System of the Century"), the 7D has changed my photo world. I don't feel that either of the other two cameras offers an entire new way to use my gear.

    And all that for $1,700, as opposed to the $7,600 for the Nikon.


  • LeeA - 15 years ago

    I WAS a devout NIKONIAN until the CANON 7D (was since 1954). I have the CANON 7D with associated "L" and "-S" lenses, flashes, and accessories. The camera redefines what sub-frame sensors can do. It yields amazingly high resolution, high dynamic range, colorful images that should suit even the most demanding semi/pro photographer around. And it does it at 8 frames per second. High def movies, you got it! A complete package, at a VERY reasonable price.

  • Eduardo - 15 years ago

    Definitively the Nikon D3X and all the D3 series, I would add. Nikon has always been tops and although they were a little behind a few years ago, they are now again on the top of the top. Their quality is unequaled their ruggedness, design, reliability are second to none. And one of the most important facts: I am referring to the Nikon F mount now 50 years old. Its so nice to have a collection of Nikkor/Nikon lenses that you don't have to throw away. Nikon has always backed Nikon users. They care for us Nikon lovers. Canon does not which is most unfortunate. Yes Nikons cost more, they should be, its a matter of quality. I have an example: Nikon is Porsche, Canon is Ford. Both are excellent motorcars but Porsche is a little better or isn't it?

  • John5100 - 15 years ago

    With all of the great cameras that came out this year and this is it? Really?

    What about the Sony 850 and Sony 550?
    What about the Pentax K7 and Pentax K-X?
    What about Panasonic Lumix DMC-GF1?

  • Robin Ducker - 15 years ago

    I am a Nikon FX shooter but I vote for the 7D because I think it it does redefine the role of the sub frame DSLR.

    For sports and nature its far better to use a sub frame (provided that one gets comparable quality) than carrying the much heavier lenses required for a FF. Sub frames put far more stress on lenses and the more megapixels one crams onto the sensor the greater the stress; of course Canon has an excellent range.

    Canon also seems to have a breakthrough with noise control here, and one suspects that with the pixel density of the 7D a 30+ megapixel 1D cant be far away.

  • Rick - 15 years ago

    The Olympus brings new inovation and outside the box thinking to make it possible for all to have a DSLR quality cam in their pocket. Versatility, size reduction, and quality/price is what will take photography from where it is today, into the future.

  • John Wilson - 15 years ago

    I'm a Canon user, so my heart say's the 7D should be the camera of the year - it is a major step up from the 50D. But it is an evolutionary camera, not a revolutionary one. The D3X is just an iteration of what came before, if less so than the 7D. Though slightly off the mark, the game changer here is the Olympus - the first 4/3 camera that really get's to the heart of what 4/3s has always promised, a small large sensor interchangeable lens camera that "almost" fits in your pocket.

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