Which December calendar wallpaper is your favorite?


  • Kate - 15 years ago

    Thanks, Nancy, Cathy, and Janel! Cathy, I do have a 2010 wall calendar available for purchase with selected wallpaper images from the past year: http://www.kate.net/shop/

    Happy New Year!

  • Janel - 15 years ago

    I love all your wallpapers, but particularly the ones with nature and the outdoors!

  • Cathy - 15 years ago

    I am glad that I found this website. I stumpled upon sometime in 2007. I was doing a google search on work related wallpapers and your website came up. I really love all your wallpapers. I mostly use love your calendar wallpapers because most of them remind me of home. I live in FL and I am from ME. This time of year is really special to me because I can not see any snow except on wallpapers and you have some lovely ones. I am so glad that I found your site and I hope it never goes away. I am waiting to see if you will come out with a yearly wall calendar that we can design and purchase to have when we are not at our computers. I like the christmas holiday wallpapers with the dogs in them. Again I want to thank you for having such a variety of wallpapers to choose from each month and I am always looking for the email saying that you have new wallpapers available.

  • Nancy - 15 years ago

    I just wanted to say how beautiful your wallpaper Snowy Branches was! It was just perfect to me! I looked online but couldn't find what I was looking for until I came to your site! I will always come here for my wallpaper, keep up the great work! Thank You

  • Kate - 15 years ago

    Thanks, Bev. By "fun," what did you have in mind? I think I have a number that are fun, but I'd need more specific input on what you think is fun. :-)

  • Bev - 15 years ago

    Nice wallpapers. Could we have more "fun" ones that I can use in our middle school computer lab?

  • Kate - 15 years ago

    Thanks, Loretta and Cheryl!

  • Cheryl Glazier - 15 years ago

    Ditto on comment above! I tell everyone about your great free wallpapers! A workmate of mine looks forward to the new one I put up every month! Thank you so much!


  • Loretta Frankland - 15 years ago

    Love all your calendars and look forward to your new ones every month. Hard to decide which is best. Loretta

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