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Is it time to make full-day kindergarten universal?

Total Votes: 376

  • Marshfield Town - 15 years ago

    I also agree because my children needs this change and because i have a hectic schedule.

  • ***Unknown*** - 15 years ago

    In my opinion, I need this full-day kindergarden for my children and I think that Marshfield needs this for parents and legal guardians that have to work for a living in order to live a great life. I am greatly surprised that people have vote no because i really don't think that it would effect someone that would not work, but I also think that it would be more helpful towards people who do. I would also much rather prefer to pay the school extra for watching my children rather then a babysitter because I believe that children would have more fun in school with professionals rather then teenagers looking for some money. I also trust my child in the hands of a professional teacher that has dealt with children before rather then leaving them with someone that has absolutely no experience with children and would rather place them in front of the television then teach them about valuable lessons. I feel greatly appreciated that the town of Marshfield has tried to enable this and I hope that it falls through because it really means a lot. THANK YOU.

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