Do you have any sympathy for Tiger Woods?


  • prw - 15 years ago

    he shouldnt have used his own attached putter as he has lost it all to beautiful ELIN. I hope he pays dearly. How dear he do that to her the mother of his two beautiful children, shame on the cheetah! $ TALKS!

  • JDL - 15 years ago

    These white women were only with him because he had money anyhow !

  • Pat - 15 years ago

    I think you're bunch of hypocrites!!!! I would love to dig in to Nancy Grace's past Bet she has some good secrets
    Like we all do!!!!! I guess we all have to make a living ,how sad.

  • john sylvester - 15 years ago

    liz, his father wouldnn't be disappointed, be cause he married tigers mother while he was still married to his first wife. in fact when he died, he living alone in california, while tigers mother was living in tigers gated community

  • Liz - 15 years ago

    In response to the first comment, seems like he's slept in a few beds :) Seriously, his Dad would be terribly disappointed in him. Those who cheat ALWAYS get caught, nobody is above that no matter how much staff or money one has!

  • Jane - 15 years ago

    He who makes his own bed must now sleep in it...........

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