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Should job hunters advertise their unemployment status on LinkedIn?

Total Votes: 41

  • Bruce - 15 years ago

    I have received invitations to networking events and opportunities from colleagues and professional contacts who became aware of my status via LinkedIn. Not giving them the opportunity to reach out would be a disadvantage.

  • Gary - 15 years ago

    No grey areas in this question, is there? The only reason I voted "No" is to the portion of the question that mentions EMPHASIZING the status. I have read many status postings that indicated the person was looking, but didn't appear to me to be pleading for someone to hire them. For me, something like this might work - "Looking for new opportunities to connect with others to share new job prospects, project possibilities and networking opportunities to our mutual benefit."

  • Duane - 15 years ago

    I have secured volunteer networking assistance from people who noticed I left my most recent employer. Had I completely hidden my unemployment, I would have missed out. However, I do not FLAUNT unemployment in my current headline, but merely state I am a Business Development and Strategy Manager without naming a company, not stating I am in transition or seeking. In my career summary, I reference seeking a new opportunity in the second paragraph.

    I consider this approach as truthful, damage control, positive spin, best of both worlds, smart marketing or something along those lines.

    One other tactic that should be off limits is failing to update the employment status after leaving the last employer. It is worse than pretty lame. It is deceptive and cheapens the value of LinkedIn for everyone. This is especially obvious if the current employment section is the only portion not being updated while other sections like the reading lists, group memberships, etc. are maintained in up-to-date form.

  • Kevin - 15 years ago

    I dont' think of LinkedIn as a social networking site. It's a professional networking site. Recruiters actively search LinkedIn profiles to find candidates for open jobs. Like Monster or Careerbuilder, it should be used to advertise one's availability.

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