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Are you concerned the 2000s may be the warmest decade on record?

Total Votes: 719

  • Sean - 15 years ago

    Ohhhhhh the sky is falling

    enough of this blubbering from these idiots in the AGW cult.

    The cbc is really ramping up its propaganda effort this week, pulling out all stops with cannibal bears, missing salmon and super heated decades.

    let me go get my tin foil hat and I'll join you, David Suziki, and Al Gore at the koolaide bar...

  • Don Geiger - 15 years ago

    This Whole scam is based on cherry picked information to make the data fit the fraud. This global worming terror fraud has degenerated into a desperate attempt by the UN for world governance. The CO2 issue is just a smoke screen for the UN and EU. If they concentrated on real pollution issues (chemical, biological, and waste disposal issues) I would be with them 100%. As it is I will fight this CO2 issue every way I can

  • deezy - 15 years ago

    Doesnt matter if the earth is warming or cooling or going purple. It is pure ignorance not to think 6 billion people dont have an effect on the environment. On a whole we are too stupid to ever change our ways enough to live in harmony with everything else on this planet. The previous comments showcase this fact.

  • CG - 15 years ago

    "If the world was really going to burn up, why are all the elites still flying private jets and riding in limos?"

    It is also curious that Al Gore would buy a luxury water front condo in San Francisco when it's suppose to be underwater soon.

  • Harry - 15 years ago

    Global warming is the biggest pile of BS ever foisted on the public. If the world was really going to burn up, why are all the elites still flying private jets and riding in limos? IF the world is warming I think that big ball of fire in the sky may have something to do with it. I'm all for energy efficiency and keeping the environment clean but this AGW "crisis" is more akin to the church selling indulgences,but now it's the CHurch of AlGore selling "carbon credits". Bernie Madoff has nothing on these scammers.

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