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Total Votes: 151
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  • Linda - 14 years ago

    I believe in both free will and a guiding force. Like my religious beliefs, I think that a divine force as a destiny for us and they will guide us to it, but we always have free will to choose this path or destiny, or we can use our free will to choose another way.
    If believe Jacob has choosen these people in order to have change on the island, because he believes there are things about them and their character traits and life experiences that will cause them to possible choose a different path at some point.
    I believe Jacob can see their ability to somehow learn from this loops in time without really knowing they are learning. By learning each time they can make different choices.
    I also believe that maybe some characters have not been included in each time loop. I believe Jacob has somehow caused these people to end up on the island to add to the effect of change.
    I can't really prove my theory, but I will always believe the greatest gift we have is the ability to choose. I have never liked the idea that we are floating along in life just living it out to the end which has been chosen by someone else. Although if we have no real choices then we cannot be responsible can we. I think this is why a lot of people like the idea of destiny and only destiny.
    But I believe we each have a destiny when we are born, but we are the writers of our life and no one else. We may receive inspiration, but we decide if we will listen to that voice or not.

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