Is the state's mandatory health insurance program working?


  • joe - 15 years ago

    The plan isn't working due to the high level of benefits mandated by our less than competent legislatures. Talk to someone like Rep. G. Bradley and it is clear they haven't a clue what the law is doing to individuals that have to pay their own insurance premiums. Want health care costs to go down? Then give consumers a choice in what they buy when it comes to benefits. Why should I pay the high insurance costs for mandated drug benefit when I don't want the benefit. This is done to increase the income of the insurance companies whose lobbyists have paid off our local reps.

  • Mike - 15 years ago

    It's working, but there are obviously a lot of problems that need to be addressed. A lot of people without insurance can now easily afford it with state subsidies. It's a step in the right direction, but should be replaced with single payer.

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