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Is Canada's approach to cutting greenhouse gas emissions adequate?

Total Votes: 2,851

  • Fraser McBurney - 15 years ago

    Try living without CO-2 (CO-2 is not a pollutent)
    try living without carbin (you'll have to walk bearfoot and freeze in the dark)

    The more importent Question is why is gravity increasing I've noticed over the past 60 years things seem heavier my arms are'nt long enough to read newspapers worry worry worry

  • don riediger - 15 years ago

    When are people going to wake up to the fact the whole climate "religion", has nothing to do with climate and everything to do with $money$. A new way to tax the citizens of wealthy countries to divert to 3rd world countries who can then fatten the wallets of corrupt governments and their leaders. Those "filthy" oil sands in Alberta are a major contributor to all the social programms we enjoy in this country. But the left wing for some reason wants to bring our standard of living down to the level enjoyed by the citizens of Zimbabwe and Bangladesh.

  • Elizabeth Maybenot - 15 years ago

    Hey Helen, I guess it would surprise you to learn that the UN has said that Quebec puts out far more pollution than Alberta eh? We must not go there though..... And for the other two posters...."climategate" and "sheeple"

  • Helen Gibson - 15 years ago

    Of course it's not enough. We are talking Albertans who don't give a darn about saving the planet. There is gas in them thar hills and we need to get at any cost and no consideration to the pollution they are creating by allowing the gas to "burn off" - hey have they ever thought they could build a furnace to harness that energy???? They haven't noticed the amount of snow we have received in the last years - 29' is a lot in less than two months??? Oh well - do as I say not as I do.

  • Eagle - 15 years ago

    Canada's position is irresponsible, despicable, and is a total "cop-out". Canada had been, and should continue to be, a leader in environmental matters. Under this Government we have lost that lead and will fall further and further behind other more visionary countries. We are now spending 20 times more on our military "defence" than on the environment. We have the technology, the research and the brains (of our scientists, technologists, and general citizenry, but not politicians) to regain our leadership role, but will we under this present government do that? I doubt it. Not unless we voters and taxpayers finally compel the politicians in charge to wake up and take a different course, which, frankly, more represents the general public's understanding and sentiments. The government's proposal to reduce so substantially its emissions standards, lower than ever is appalling, and not what Canada or the world needs.

  • Gilles - 15 years ago

    Canada's "approach" seems to be a complete lack of direction or leadership.

    I'm a Canadian city dweller and I get to see the inner workings of canadian companies large and small. Let me tell you, the companies taking steps to mitigate their carbon footprint are few and far between. Corporations are profit-driven animals. The government should be acting as a cowboy, herding them and giving them direction. Instead they are totally absent, leaving the animals to act on their base instincts - profit and greed - and the result is apathy and the pillage of hte environment. We should be demanding that our goverment create incentives and regulations that encourage change without the "Animals" chomping at the bit.

    It is neither difficult or complex !

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