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What do the Mets have to do the rest of the offseason to have any chance to compete with the Phillies??

Total Votes: 6,678

  • crangernj - 15 years ago

    Not only does Minaya have to exit stage right, but so do the Wilpons. Unfortunately, a total clean sweep of the house from top to bottom is necessary. Besides, after all the money the Wilpons lost to that bastard Madoff, perhaps getting some decent $$ now instead of a bad return on their investment is just what they really need. Jerry M. also needs to exit stage right. And thanks to the dear departed Tony Bernazhard, the Mets have no prospects in the minors; no hope. If there were, perhaps Roy Halliday would have been a Met last year. But why dwell in the past? But then again, there's no future to dwell upon either.

  • Guru Karthikeyan - 15 years ago

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  • karldavis - 15 years ago

    screw minaya, hes done nothing but bring high money contracts and low end results. how is it that the oakland As can have a crap payroll, and still turn out a better product than the lame ass mets. minaya has spent more time getting these no talent hacks then developing a farm system. time is needed for a change, fir minaya, fire manuel, dissmantle the entire coaching staff. build the team around wright and reyes and beltran. move francouer to first, put pagan in the ouotfield stricly for defense. let omir santos work out and become a good catcher. and develop that pitching staff.

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