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Is there any way for Tiger Woods to save his marriage?

Total Votes: 9,629

  • nana - 15 years ago

    Go away Tiger
    Fraud Liar Cheater
    Drugs Adultery Scum
    Disrespect to women/girls
    Dr. Jeckyl
    Just Go Away

  • maria ordoqui - 15 years ago

    Faith, love, the power to forgive what appears impossible to be forgiven...... I wish them the best. I hate the way most of the media and people are talking about the situation. This is a serious matter.

  • maria ordoqui - 15 years ago

    Faith, love, the power to forgive what appears impossible to be forgiven...... I wish them the best. I hate the way most of the media and people are talking about the situation. This is a serious matter.

  • Mary Stephens - 15 years ago

    it is impossible with man but all things are possible with God. True repentance from a contrite heart is the first step. It can't be just remorse because he got caught. Skilled, insightful and compassionate counseling along with forgiveness. Only the deep work of the Holy Spirit could convince Elin that Tiger would really want only her and truly be faithful to her. Yes it is possible. I pray for a miracle for them but I certainly understand Elin's current horror at being so betrayed...However, in the long run, the benefits could be great if they cling to faith in Jesus.

  • Valerie - 15 years ago

    I have some thing to say, Marriage is honorable in the site of God you both vowed till death do we part and you both said for better or for worse it got worse so did you mean it or did you both lie before god and man! think about it are you going to let ANY ONE break up your marriage can they all be telling the truth can they all stand before GOD and say this is true or is it all about the money if i were you i would think about Hilliary Clinton a woman of Honor who stood by her man who she REALLY LOVED. because love is stronger than death ,ASK your self do you really love him because your love is being put to the TEST are you able to stand i think you are if you really love him ! PLEASE DONT LET THEM WIN PLEASE your a CHAMPION .

  • Ken Gage - 15 years ago

    Mega remorse, an explanation by a shrink that the poor chump never had a childhood per se. Golf, golf and more golf. Then, dad dies and he's got no one holding him back. PLUS, he's hanging with world class poon tang chasers like Charles Barkley and Michael Jordan. A total, can't miss recipe for a disastrous marraige. Finally, a new pre nup where she gets it all if he chases more tail. That MAY save the marraige.

  • Denis Lussier - 15 years ago

    Only religion wil save Tigers'career and maybe his marriage.
    Closed Retreat at the Benedictin Monks Monatery for a month is a start.

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