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Are you travelling this holiday season?

Total Votes: 243
1 Comment

  • dufff - 15 years ago

    I have long since given up travelling by air for one simple reason: the industry is totally given to the greed instincts of that new breed of management called the "CEO".
    In years past the man at the top came up thru the ranks, by experience he knew what he was talking about when he made a decision to do...whatever.
    Todays' CEO has been given a mandate to make matter how! Does not matter what corners he cuts, who he steps on or what sort of 'spin' he puts on any question to avoid the truth. His one and only object is to make money because when he leaves at his contract end he'll be taking a wad of cash with him and to hell with what is left behind him.
    Unfortunately this is not only indicitive of air lines but many other industries, money first...people last.

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