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Should impregnators and pregnant soldiers face courts-martial?

Total Votes: 265

  • Ken St.Clair - 14 years ago

    As long as they are in a Forward area or Hostile fire area Pregnant females or not these Soldiers took an oath to obey the orders of those appointed above them. Sorry; If they are not married this falls under the UCMJ charges other than failure to obey a Lawful Order

  • Bruce Hudson - 14 years ago

    Your two poll questions are so sophmorically skewed as to be completely useless for data collection. Try again, this time without biasing the answer.

  • Pet - 14 years ago

    Lousy research and lousy interpretation. This is not about soldiers not allowed to get pregnant at all times, but when deployed to a war zone. Units all over the place have lost valuable manpower due to soldiers getting pregnant and having to be redeployed. Yeah, great morale booster for everyone else, and definitely an easy way out in some cases.

    It IS as simple as it sounds. When deployed, keep it zipped. You can do whatever you want when you come home...

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